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A full gadget with Xiaomi: presented Iron Man toy robot and smart oven

The passion for the Marvel avengers, that is the Avengers, has exploded all over the world and in every area. Xiaomi is not exempt, presenting for example a limited edition of the Mi Band 4 but also Huami who did the same with her AmazFit Verge, but Lei Jun's company seems to want to go further by proposing a gadget that will dribble many users.

Users who in my opinion will have to shut their mouths immediately, because first of all the price of 286 dollars will make them desist from buying it. We are talking about a toy robot inspired by the Marvel Avengers series that portrays the hero Iron Man. Offered by Xiaomi but produced by UBITECH, Marvel Avengers: Endgame Iron Man Mk50 (this is the name) represents a miniaturized version of the famous superhero protected by his armor.

The helmet opens revealing an LED screen that reproduces the face of Tony Stark (very disturbing) or other images that can be chosen by the user. The toy robot can be controlled through a dedicated application on both Android and iOS systems, and it also offers a series of augmented reality mini-games, but it is above all possible to control the robot that boasts 7 motion scooters.

It is possible to move the head up and down, to the right or to the left, move the arms and obviously make it walk forward or backward. In one of the feet there is also an infrared sensor that identifies any edges, preventing the robot from falling off high surfaces. The Xiaomi Iron Man has a weight of 1,2 kg and features an integrated lithium battery rechargeable via USB.

A full gadget with Xiaomi: presented Iron Man toy robot and smart oven

Coming back to earth, Xiaomi also offers us another gadget, this time perhaps more useful. Let's talk about Xiaomi Tokit, an electric stove with smart properties, in fact in addition to being able to select the type of cooking (slow or fast) the Xiaomi Tokit is equipped with both internal and external sensors for temperature detection, thus allowing to better control the cooking level, alerting the user if anomalies occur.

Of course being smart the electric stove can be controlled via the Mi Home companion app. At the moment the purchase can only be made in China via official routes, at the price of 799 yuan, around 100 euros at current exchange rates.

Emanuele Iafulla
Emanuele Iafulla

Nerd, Geek, Netizen, terms that do not belong to me. Simply myself, technology lover and provocative as Xiaomi does with his products. High quality at fair prices, a real provocation for the other most famous brands.


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