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Official Android Pie and kernel source codes for Redmi 6 / 6A

At the end of May this year we had proposed one BETA di Android Pie for the ultra cheap Xiaomi house, i Redmi 6 and 6A. Despite some bugs present, some of you have decided to install the ROM but now you can take advantage of the Official ROM without any kind of problem, considering that Floor has finally landed for the two devices samples of receipts in India e first in the rankings as regards sales of the middle range in the same country. But the news is not over as they are for the same smartphones kernel code sources for modding are also available!

Official Android Pie and kernel source codes for Redmi 6 / 6A

As for the update for Official Android Pie to tell us is a conspicuous package of the weight of 1.3 GB which establishes the passage from the old Oreo 8.1, proceeding to the ninth build of the system made famous by the green robot thanks to the version. In addition to the update to the latest build Floor for Redmi6 / 6A, the package also includes the security patch for the month of July. Finally, the latest update based on MIUI 10 adds the dark mode at the system level in display settings and the much loved one face release for applications only, which brings a further upgrade to the security and privacy of users' sensitive data.

We would like to point out to all users that the dark mode now supported from this device will not benefit the battery life, by mounting it a type display IPS and not AMOLED. In fact, the developers wrote in the box dedicated to Dark Mode exclusively this mode it will help to tire less your eyes when using the device in low light conditions.

As for the second part of the news, we also have to tell you that i Redmi 6 / 6A kernel source codes, which will allow you to modulate the device properly. Although it appears strange the modding on this smartphone (given the not very high specifications), instead it is really possible. But watch out for smoking! In any case, find the site GitHub everything you need.

Xiaomi Redmi 6 preview

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Gianluca Cobucci
Gianluca Cobucci

Passionate about code, languages ​​and languages, man-machine interfaces. All that is technological evolution is of interest to me. I try to divulge my passion with the utmost clarity, relying on reliable sources and not "on the first pass".


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