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Black Shark seeks beta testers for Android Pie 9.0

The world of mobile telephony is increasingly evolving and by evolution we also mean the one that goes towards the sector Gaming: more and more users are attracted, who to play or who to have only a spaceship in his hands, from smartphones designed in this perspective. When it comes to Xiaomi and gaming, of course there is also talk of Black Shark. Not only this manufacturer produces devices from record, but keeps them up to date for usability that is always at the top to accompany the top specifications. It is the case of Black Shark 1, the first device of the sub-brand, which seeks beta testers for Android Pie 9.0: it's true, it's been a long time since its release, but it's finally coming.

Black Shark seeks beta testers for Android Pie 9.0

Born in February last year, he always mounted Android Oreo 8.0 but the time has come for a full refresh of the system. The announcement itself is launched by the company itself website. This is dedicated to all those who want to try in preview all the features, many of which are now well known, by Android Pie 9.0 on the Black Shark 1. To participate in the beta test of the first performance champion you need to do the following:

  1. as with any competition or beta test, you must first of all read the regulation. In particular, the company asks the participating users patience, time and enthusiasm;
  2. secondly, click , here and register;
  3. finally, it is necessary to comment on the official thread on the site with #Blackshark 1 , motivation which prompted you to participate.

Black Shark seeks beta testers for Android 9.0 Pie

The requirements for participation are:

  1. possess, of course, a Black Shark 1 ABSOLUTELY NOT ROOTED and with mechanical enough free space;
  2. the device must be updated to the latest build (version G66X1906170OS00MPX);
  3. if you know this Android version, gamer e active users on the forum then you will be more advantaged than many other users.

The deadline for registration is set for tomorrow, August 8th, 2019 so if you are undecided don't think about it: sign up now since i seats are only 50! It is useless to remember, but we do it anyway, being a version beta of Android Pie 9.0 it is not excluded that there are bugs and imperfections in the system.

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Gianluca Cobucci
Gianluca Cobucci

Passionate about code, languages ​​and languages, man-machine interfaces. All that is technological evolution is of interest to me. I try to divulge my passion with the utmost clarity, relying on reliable sources and not "on the first pass".


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