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BlackShark 3 in development or Helo 2?

The euphoria of the passionate gamers is still high for the presentation of the new BlackShark 2 but despite this the Chinese company seems to be already working on the third generation of the gaming smartphone. Although it is too hasty to speak of BlackShark 3, on the net one began to circulate series of patents that show us what could be the new features on board the new device, albeit limited to the design.

BlackShark 3 in development or Helo 2?

How much compared to what was presented a few days ago, the general aesthetics would remain unchanged, and this could lead to the assumption that in reality the sketches refer to the BlackShark 2 and not to the third model. However the typical lines that are distinctive of the brand remain fixed with the usual LED logo placed centrally to the rear body with X design but we find a first novelty in the photographic sector, thanks to the use of a triple optic with TOF 3D module.


Another novelty that we can find in the sketches that appeared on the net, which you can find at this address in its integral form and which refer to a device with Sky code name, concerns the adoption of a AMOLED panel with notch of traditional or drip type. In short, even Xiaomi is not convinced about what to do, and in fact always in the sketches we find a sample with a return to the past, that is with prints on the front, the only element to break the design of the display.


Of course these images refer to patents and what has been told so far may never come to life, above all because what is shown in the reiterated images seems to belong more to the past than to the future or they could refer to a intermediate solution like the Helo model. Well we just have to wait for future developments.

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Emanuele Iafulla
Emanuele Iafulla

Nerd, Geek, Netizen, terms that do not belong to me. Simply myself, technology lover and provocative as Xiaomi does with his products. High quality at fair prices, a real provocation for the other most famous brands.


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