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On MIUI 11 a dedicated button will be available to disable advertising

Nothing is perfect, not even the MIUI... but you get closer. By now we xiaomists cannot do without all that package of services that the personalization of proprietary system of Xiaomi offers us: from the customization of gestures to the intuitiveness that almost reaches Apple levels. In short, it really seems to be the dream system if it weren't for a small flaw that has been bothering users all over the world for some time. Let's talk about the advertising claims, those mini videos that appear only in certain applications and that cause a heart attack when the volume of our smartphone is at maximum. We know that these advertisements are necessary to the brand, but we don't stand them. How to solve? Well, with a dedicated button to deactivate the advertisements that will arrive with the upcoming MIUI 11. To tell us is the manager of the same interface through Weibo.

On MIUI 11 a dedicated button will be available to disable advertising

But why are these ads necessary and vital for Xiaomi? Simple, why a part of their revenues that comes close to 10% comes from them. And considering that, as I have always said since CEO Lei Jun, the mark applied and therefore the profit for the company is only the 5%, we can imagine how important every insersion for the sustenance of all the brand departments is. But the company has decided to take a step back, for her, and one forwards, for us, and keeping faith with what the 2011 (or that users are more important than anything else) opted to give us one feature that will allow you to deactivate these insersions.

post ads miui

In reality this feature is already present on MIUI 10 for some time, but only on the last one beta developer and so we, unless we have such a build, we couldn't use it. This feature is being refined and will be distributed to all models supported with the next large stable version: obviously we talk about MIUI 11. In the final version that we will receive, in addition to the known optimizations, there will be one special function that is a switch, a button to be used if we wish close all system tool announcements.

button miui 11 ads

With a hand on the conscience, but without feeling too guilty, we could therefore eliminate these advertisements completely and very simply. The message under the button says: "A small number of recommended ads appear in system apps. Thanks to advertising revenues we can develop hardware and software and make them better. However, if the ads cause annoyance you can choose to close them here. See the list of apps involved ". For completeness we tell you what will be: weather, calendar, security center, download, application installer, desktop folder e carousel wallpapers.

But from this message we understand not only that we can get rid of it, but also that if we keep it we will only receive targeted ads based on our interests: in this regard the same manager said that Xiaomi is working to implement an algorithm (similar to that of Facebook) which will only allow ads in line with our interests to appear in such apps. So even in evil, there is a small good.

By the way, if you missed it, this one Removal of advertisements will be implemented very soon also on TV and Smart TV of Xiaomi. We have talked about it extensively , here.

Gianluca Cobucci
Gianluca Cobucci

Passionate about code, languages ​​and languages, man-machine interfaces. All that is technological evolution is of interest to me. I try to divulge my passion with the utmost clarity, relying on reliable sources and not "on the first pass".


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