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How to enable NFC in Italy on the Chinese 3 NFC Mi Band

The Xiaomi Mi Band 3 is preparing to make its first birthday since May 2018 was presented in conjunction with the launch of Xiaomi Mi 8. There are many units sold and for some time the Chinese wearable is also available officially in Italy and in Italian simply by installing the official application Mi Fit, which after the band's association will provide the firmware update that will bring the Italian language on the device.

Results images for mi band 3 nfc


In many, however, they have as their dream the purchase of the Mi Band 3 NFC, and yes you got it right, with NFC sensor integrated into the small capsule. It is honestly unclear what advantages it brings except the fact that in China it is possible to make small payments such as buying a bus ticket. Well there seems to be good news as the de team ilgruppotester supported by colleagues from, has managed to block the features connected to the NFC also here in Italy.

How to enable NFC in Italy on the Chinese 3 NFC Mi Band

This little miracle is possible thanks to the app MiFit + 3.5.8, which also for other werable Chinese company allows interesting features and below I leave the changelog app moddata:

- Changelog MiFit mod -
1. Improved notifications (no double, long texts)
2. Emoticons in messages for BIP, COR, MiB3 and MiB3 NFC (with Fw and font mod)
3. Caller name displayed
4. Extended sleep info for all the bands that support them
5. Google Fit sync
6. Support for local WatchFaces (BIP and COR),
7. Improved translations
8. Automatic fw updates disabled
9. Flash of the FW xShadow and the mod fonts for emoji (no MiB3 NFC to be done by hand)
10. Added @jps1x2 TCX / GPX Export
11. New menu 'xShadow
12. Italian TTS voice in training

we band 3

- Changelog xShadow -
Firmware mod ITA:

▶ ️ BIP> 🇮🇹 by theShadow with White 71 characters (emoticons enabled)
It is currently updated officially, the RES file must be flashaved via GadgetBridge
▶ ️ COR> 🇮🇹 by xCape with ISOCPUER characters by xCape (emoticons enabled)
▶ ️🔥 MiB3 NFC🇮🇹 by theShadow with emoticons support
🖐🏻 (hand-flash font)
▶ ️ MiB3 2.3.043 🇮🇹 by theShadow with emoticon support and font mod
▶ ️ MiB2 🇮🇹 by xCape (also tph and as7)
▶ ️ ARC 🇮🇹 by xCape

ilgruppotester especially thanks @Xcape for sharing his work with us, @jps1x2 and @AMSUser

The Menu 'xShadow, reachable from the settings of the connected band ...

1️⃣ Enable firmware flash: activate this switch to enable fw flashes (original or xShadows)
2️⃣ Activate xShadows: activating the ⚠️ Mifit option will crash. This is necessary and wanted to recharge the xS firmware in memory at the reopening (at the moment I have not found another solution !!)
3️⃣ Flash Firmware button: Press it after activating 1️⃣ (mandatory) and, if necessary, 2️⃣.
4️⃣ Force armband language: activating this setting the original firewalls displayed in Chinese, will be converted into English ⚠️ re-enable the bluetooth once selected, because it will be deliberately turned off
5️⃣ Use alternative weather: from Russian guys this mod that changes the default Accuweather provider with Yandex
6️⃣ Unlock NFC: ⚠️ only for MiB3 NFC, enable NFC menus (some however unusable because it requires a Chinese IDCard for verification). But the TAGs work!
7️⃣ Enable Emoticons support: This switch will enable extended Emoticons support for characters that support it (those in the mod xShadows, all). I remember that the extended smiles are in black / white, so, the COR's friends have the possibility of not activating the function to have them reduced (but in color)

If you have any doubts in this regard, we advise you to follow the dedicated Telegram group, where numerous users daily make their knowledge available to help other fans.

Thanks to the team de ilgruppotester, xCape, renzettis, theShadow76, jps1x2, strike76, amuser.

Emanuele Iafulla
Emanuele Iafulla

Nerd, Geek, Netizen, terms that do not belong to me. Simply myself, technology lover and provocative as Xiaomi does with his products. High quality at fair prices, a real provocation for the other most famous brands.


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