This is nothing new 4 number in China is unlucky: maybe you don't know but in the country that gave birth to Xiaomi, the 4 number has been considered a very unlucky number since the dawn of time since it is a homophone of the word "death". The legend for which the fourth floor is missing in some buildings is not just a legend. Well, this number may have caused problems even to the company of Lei Jun, and this time serious legal problems. Apparently the Chinese giant would have been pulled into one legal dispute due to the name of the Mix series, series that will soon see the birth of the new super top of the range Mi Mix 4. Let's see in detail what happened.
Here's how the Mix series (including Mi Mix 4) could change its name
Let's proceed backwards: the 14th November 2016, a month after the release of first smartphone of the series in question, Xiaomi he would have applied for the trade mark in China. So far no problem except that it had already been present for two years before, precisely from 23th November 2014, another request for the same brand "MIX". Several years later, or in March of this year, the case was raised in the Beijing court and both Xiaomi and the other company whose name we do not know were mentioned. From here the biggest problem of the company of Lei Jun because it has decided not to respond to this dispute concerning the brand and in doing so, according to the law, he would no longer be entitled to use the name for the smartphones he will produce.
You can see in the photos above the two different brands of the two different companies. The problem for Xiaomi is pretty big not just because it could blow the output of a device that is almost ready, but above all because this "carelessness" in answering (or rather not answering) the appeal will probably force her to change name for the top design series. At the moment it is not known if there is one negotiation in progress between the two companies but we hope so, since seeing a different name would be like demolishing a pillar of the company as well as the image.