As usual on Engwe's part, we will receive our P20 Ace Edition, well protected by a sort of foam band tied with cable ties, lots of cable ties that will take us at least 5 to 10 minutes before proceeding with the actual unboxing and assembly of the e-bike which arrives almost completely assembled, like the rear rack.
Inside we find another box containing a series of accessories, such as cable ties, a cheap bell, plastic pedals with metal reinforcements that are foldable and are marked with the letters R and L to identify the direction they should be mounted. We then find a case containing a series of wrenches, Allen keys and screwdrivers for assembling the various components, but above all as a pleasant surprise we also have a small manual pump for inflating the wheels and 4 spare pads in addition to the instruction manual that unfortunately does not include the Italian language.

Separately we also find the saddle, with a sporty and thin aesthetic, which also has a sort of channel that serves as an air vent and helps us males, subject to possible inflammation of the prostate. Under the saddle there is already a reflector mounted to indicate the position in low-light conditions while on the saddle shaft there are a series of notches for height adjustment. Inside the compartment used to house the saddle there is also a sort of sheath, which in addition to creating greater friction and consequent hold of the saddle, allows the aluminum tube not to get scratches when we slide it or when we remove it, for example to remove the battery that is positioned immediately under the saddle. Finally, in the additional package, we also find a bolted magnet that will close and tighten the front wheel and which performs the function of holding the bike steady when folded, because our Engwe P20 Ace Edition is a bike that can be folded on itself, taking up less space as well as being able to be transported in the trunk of the car.

Speaking of the possibility of folding the e-bike, the mechanism is positioned on the side of the central tube and in less than 10 seconds it allows you to have the bike closed. All you have to do is act on the mechanism, pulling out the small lever positioned on the main one which will then be released without any particular effort. A fast and solid mechanism. I forgot to mention the charger, with a European plug, which is very compact compared to what we have seen on other electric bikes. The battery can be fully charged in about 5 hours, a unit that allows us to travel many kilometers, but we will delve into this aspect in the complete review of the P20 Ace Edition.

Once the bike has been removed from its packaging and all the cable ties have been removed, we notice that Engwe's vehicle is almost completely assembled, with only the handlebars, front mudguard and front wheel to be assembled, as well as the pedals.

The tires are KENDA branded, 20 inches with aluminum alloy rims and reflectors already mounted on the axles. We find 160 mm discs that guarantee excellent braking and above all safety. In addition we also have a well-made stand that holds the weight even on steep slopes of the road. The Ace Edition color is beautiful, a fiery red with gold details and shades that lead to black. Inspired by the Olympic games just passed, this color is very sporty, elegant and attractive compared to the more traditional ones seen on other Engwe e-bikes.

One thing that immediately catches the eye is that the transmission does not occur via a classic chain but via a carbon fiber belt, something to be emphasized as this involves much less maintenance. Before proceeding with the assembly of the front wheel we must "compose" the handlebars. You need to lift the first part of the handlebar stem and block it using the appropriate hook support. You must then unscrew the handlebar lock, removing the pin that holds it in place, being careful not to lose the slats, the lower one and the upper one. Once the handlebars are inserted and blocked we can also adjust their height. We find in this section two keys that should be kept but that only allow you to remove the battery.

At this point we proceed to unscrew the nuts that hold the replacement hub, but before proceeding with the installation of the wheel, we must remove the plastic pin inserted between the two front pads. The insertion of the front wheel is tied to the position of the disc brake that will fit inside the brake caliper, so you can't go the wrong way. At this point you simply have to tighten the bolts, one of which is the one for the magnet I told you about. Now all we have to do is mount the front mudguard, acting on the screws that we find on the end of the handlebar frame and also proceed with the installation of the pedals, where for the left one we will proceed with the anti-clockwise screwing and for the right one clockwise. With the bike turned upside down, which I recommend for the entire process of assembling the wheel, you will notice a metal protrusion, which is nothing more than a support to keep the bike balanced when folded. The pedals are also foldable, so as to take up less space when we close the bike.

As a final precaution, let's install the bell, acting on the cross screw to loosen the lock, positioning it on the side of the handlebar that you prefer although I recommend the right side which is freer, since on the left we already find the small monitor of the on-board computer and the panel to operate the directional arrows, while on the right side we find only the accelerator which does not make the bike illegal, since from the factory it is limited to a speed of 5 km/h, as an aid in transporting the bike on foot on steep slopes.

To get going, we must first remember to enable the electrical circuit by pressing the button located under the right side of the saddle (front view), protected by a silicone cover, while on the opposite side we find the connector for charging the battery. I will reserve the overview and technical details of the Engwe P20 Ace Edition for the full review that will be published later, weather and rain permitting, but today I will give you the solution to unlocking the accelerator if you also want to exceed the factory-set limit of 25 km/h.

First of all we have to turn on the instrument panel by pressing the button above the display and within 10 seconds hold down the M button, which is located above the Up and Down buttons, which allow you to switch between the 3 different levels of pedal assistance. We will be shown a "secret" menu that actually allows little or nothing in terms of settings but we are interested in positioning ourselves on the UNIT value, moving with the Up and Down buttons. Once positioned above this item we should hold down the Up button for 15 seconds. We will not receive any confirmation, error or other message, you will simply have to count to 15 and then exit the menu. Turn off the control panel and turn it back on. Now you have the accelerator unlocked and the speed that reaches up to 32 km/h. The accelerator is independent of the level of pedal assistance chosen, but if you select the value 0, therefore pedaling only with the strength of the legs, the accelerator will be deactivated. Of course, to bring everything back into compliance with the law you must repeat the same procedure.

I always wait for you here for the full review and to find out if this Engwe P20 Ace Edition is really the best city e-bike. Surely in this color it is the most beautiful and pleasing to the eye.