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How many of you have felt at least once in your life the need to record a video or even just an audio, without realizing it? Well if you still have this need you are in the right place, because today I'm talking to you about a free application, the project of which is published on the well-known portal GitHub. Specifically, I will show you FADCAM, an application that allows you to record videos with relative audio in the background, thus allowing you to capture and immortalise anything you want, hiding the action from the people around you, because you can do other actions on your smartphone, such as watching the weather, browsing social media and even turning off the screen, while FADCAM will continue recording in the background until you give the stop command.

From the cited page of GitHub you can find all the versions released so far, even for older terminals (Android only) but for convenience if you have a terminal with arm64 structure you can download from this link.

Once the app has been installed, when it starts you will find a screen showing in the upper left part the situation of the memory available for recording videos and the related capacity expressed through the FHD, HD and SD resolutions, the modes in which it is possible to record with the app. On the right side, however, we find 3 widgets of which the top one shows some usage suggestions, the one in the middle shows the history of how many videos we have recorded with the relative space occupied in memory and finally the bottom one shows time and date.

But the interesting part lies in the two START and PAUSE buttons with a video preview area. In fact, by pressing the START button you will start the recording. It goes without saying what the PAUSE button is for while once recording has started the START button will be switched to the STOP value, precisely to end the recording. The preview area will instead show what you are framing and recording. Once the recording is finished, it will be conveyed to the ARCHIVE section (the one in the shape of a folder), where we will find the recordings made which can be viewed or via the 3 dots on each video, you can rename it, delete it or save it in the phone gallery.

We also have a settings button available, where we can decide whether to start a recording from the rear or front camera, set the resolution value of the recording, set a watermark or not and finally enable the GPS data to be included in any watermark. As already mentioned, the simplicity and genius of FADCAM at the same time lies in the possibility of recording video with audio while carrying out other operations with the phone, such as messaging with friends, going on the internet etc.. in order to hide any recording from third parties . Imagine wanting to trivially record even just the audio of a conversation. With FADCAM, even by turning off the screen and therefore making the phone apparently turned off, you can actually capture the speech and nail the malicious person.

And did you know FADCAM? How will you plan to use it?


Emanuele Iafulla
Emanuele Iafulla

Nerd, Geek, Netizen, terms that do not belong to me. Simply myself, technology lover and provocative as Xiaomi does with his products. High quality at fair prices, a real provocation for the other most famous brands.


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1 months ago

Thank you for using and featuring my app! 🙂