The growth of Xiaomi is now under everyone's eyes. If before it was considered a niche brand for telephony, now the Chinese company can boast a technological catalog probably unique in the world: ranging from domestic and domotic products to make-up products, from smartphones and technology to home furnishings , Xiaomi has made her way through with global giants. The 2019 for Xiaomi is destined to be the year of definitive consecration in Chinese territory.
Xiaomi: from online sales to the openings of Mi Stores in the world
The presentation events are no longer quantifiable. And we are not just talking about new product launches, but above all the openings of new stores, of which Italy has seen only a minimal part. After announcing the quotation on the stock exchange, from which investors have already benefited, and after announcing the transfer of the Head Quarter to Beijing, Xiaomi has witnessed an organizational restructuring that has given to Lei Jun, CEO of the company, the frieze of President of Xiaomi Group and full authority in decisions concerning the market and business in China.
"Xiaomi Iron Army, three years of victory!"
Lei Jun, CEO of Xiaomi
With this slogan, Lei Jun opened the group's last meeting, demonstrating a certain confidence in aiming to reach thetop of the Chinese IoT market (Internet of Things): the launch of the 5G connectivity could be the backbone of this journey of the duration of three years. The beginning of this journey, moreover, began as early as January of this year with the launch of thevoice assistant XiaoAI Smart Assistant that will interface with a whole series of products that the company has already designed and that, in part, has already shown to the world: let's not forget that of "Xiaomi Ecosystem”She Jun had already spoken a few years ago at a live conference in Barcelona!
Can Huawei's crisis finally open its doors to Xiaomi in the Chinese (and global) market?
The answer is not so simple. What is certain is that we do not have the crystal ball and that we will like to observe from fans interested how much will happen in the coming months.
Certainly, however, we can say that Xiaomi will try to blow market shares and - why not - reach the top of the Asian market by exploiting the wide margins that Huawei is leaving in a sector that is as saturated as ever.
Yesterday's news is in fact the appointment of Zhang Jianhui, former vice president of Xiaomi China, directly responsible for offline business in China: certainly this can be considered a move to enter the retail market with force to try to undermine what is still the company with the most market share wide in China: Huawei.
What do you think? Will the problems that Huawei is facing to open the doors to Xiaomi? Or will they simply speed up the expansion that Xiaomi had already planned?
Let us know in the comments and don't forget to follow the Facebook page . and the Youtube channel of XiaomiToday.it!