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Meizu M3 Notes: Back cover live picture and probable price!

In this article we will show you some live pictures depicting the metal back covers we will find on the future smartphone of Meizu that we will know the 21 October.

Meizu M3 Notes: metal covers and cost higher than $ 158!

Meizu M3 Notes

How do you communicate this article, Meizu has set a launch event for a new smartphone for October 21. For the moment we refer to this device with the appellation M3 Notes, but it might well be a revision in terms of materials that had already been harvested Meizu M2 NotesWe know little or nothing about its technical specifications, however thanks to some live photos that seem to come from the official website Meizu, we can appreciate in part the design. For the sake of precision, we refer to the back cover, which, as you already know it and as it is well illustrated by the photos, is entirely made of metal.

Meizu M3 Notes
Meizu M3 Notes
Meizu M3 Notes
Meizu M3 Notes

These photos confirm the leaked rumors yesterday that they wanted this new one Meizu M3 Notes available in five different colors, that is pink, Blue, gold, gray e white. What do you prefer? Personally I must say that blue and that gold do not mind me at all.

Before we say goodbye to you, we leave another small but interesting indiscretion. It seems that the CEO of Meizu Huang Zhang has missed some information about the launch price of this imminent device. He stated that the Meizu M3 Notes will be placed on the market at a price not lower than 1000 Yuan, the equivalent of dollars 158 at the current exchange rate. Since this price is higher than that of Meizu M2 Notes at the time of its launch, we think that most of the technical specifications, especially the processor, will, in addition to the material re-examination, be upgraded. We'll see what he will Meizu.

There is no exact week at the presentation of this new device. We will surely have new news to let you know, so stay connected for further updates.


Article Meizu M3 Notes: Back cover live picture and probable price! seems to be the first of

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Simone Rodriguez
Simone Rodriguez

Blogger, but above all passionate about technology. I am part of a generation that has passed from the cathode ray tube to smartphones, making me witness to an unprecedented technological evolution. From 2012 I assiduously follow the Xiaomi brand that with the conveyance of various projects led me to realize, the home of all the Italian Xiaomisti. Write me: [email protected]


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