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Mi Mix 4 could support Reverse Wireless Charge

The fact that Xiaomi sforni devices at breakneck speed is not a novelty: indeed, we could say the opposite now seeing that Redmi "is no longer Xiaomi": if we consider this aspect our beloved brand does not behave differently from other OEMs on the market such as Samsung, Honor, OPPO and so on. But the amazing thing is that the company manages to always mount some "small" news on the new devices compared to the previous generation. Even with the I mix 4 that could support Reverse Wireless Charge, or the capacity of recharge other devices completely wirelessly, as if it were a wireless powerbank.

Mi Mix 4 could support Reverse Wireless Charge

A long time ago we proposed the teardown of the Wireless Charger weblog Xiaomi which at the time allowed to charge the battery of devices such as Mi Mix 2S. Obviously the technology has evolved and the prodigious has been added to this device My 9 which supports yes wireless charging, but not the normal one, but the fast one a 20w.

xiaomi wireless charger 10ww

We learn that these two devices equipped with the technology for the Qi recharge (for the most curious the word qi in Chinese means vital energy, just like the one in the battery for a smartphone, fig eh) another one will be added, or the Mi Mix 4. To tell us is a member of XDA, in particular one belonging to the Xiaomi.EU custom MIUI team, that is kackskrz. But the difference with the other two smartphones will lie in the fact that the Mi Mix 4 can recharge other devices through the concept of reverse charging: instead of "taking" only energy from a source, he will work himself as a source of energy for others and therefore as a wireless charger or wireless powerbank.

Until now this type of technology had never been present on no Xiaomi device, but we met him with the series Samsung S10. Back to us, the XDA member read in the strings of the MIUI beta china that users will be able to <use the [their] phone to charge other devices wirelessly>> and that this mode Reverse Wireless Charge will be automatically deactivated 90 seconds after unused. Considering that the same Wang Teng, product director of Xiaomi, has spoiled that the 4 Mi Mix will be equipped with a wireless charging even faster than that of the Mi 9, this may not be a lie to reverse charging. After all, is the motto "technology for all" to be brought up by the company and, if not in this way, how else?

The developers promise to keep an eye on this fantastic device that promises to be a real beast as suggested by its (probable) code name "hercules". But what we wonder is: if this feature will be present on Mi Mix 4, how large the battery should be?


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Gianluca Cobucci
Gianluca Cobucci

Passionate about code, languages ​​and languages, man-machine interfaces. All that is technological evolution is of interest to me. I try to divulge my passion with the utmost clarity, relying on reliable sources and not "on the first pass".


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