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Netflix Gives, Netflix Takes Away: Prices Increase but Extra Users Now Cost Less in Italy

Netflix, the streaming giant, has recently announced a series of new features regarding subscription plans and prices in Italy and other countries. While on the one hand the company has decided to increase monthly costs of its subscriptions, on the other hand it has introduced acheapest option for the extra user, or the ability to share the account with people who do not live under the same roof.

Netflix: Extra User Now Costs Less in Italy but Increase in Subscriptions Expected

The new formula of the extra user with advertising, available at the price of 3,99 € per month, presents itself as a more accessible alternative for those who want to expand their Netflix subscription, allowing them to share their account with friends or relatives who live elsewhere.

However, this option has some limitations compared to the classic extra user, such as the ability to watch Netflix on only one device at a time, a roof of 15 monthly downloads, a video quality limited to Full HD andlack of spatial audio. Furthermore, the extra user with advertising will have only one profile available, which cannot be set for children, and will have to deal with short commercial breaks.

Despite these restrictions, the introduction of the extra user with advertising represents a step forward in the direction of greater flexibility and accessibility of the streaming service. As Netflix CEO Reed Hastings has emphasized, the goal is offer more choice to members, so they can find the plan that best fits their needs and budget.

This move could also help counter the phenomenon of unauthorized account sharing, which has been a problem for the company in recent years.

Netflix subscription prices increase

On the other hand, Netflix has announced a rising prices in the United States and other countries, justified by the need to invest in new content and improve the service. The plan with advertising, launched in 2022, will see its first price increase, going from $6,99 to $7,99 per month.

The other plans will also see an increase: the Standard plan with advertising will go from $6,99 to $7,99, the Standard plan from $ 15,99 to $ 17,99 and the Premium plan from 22,99 to 24,99 dollars monthly.

Below are the current Netflix plans with prices in Italy:

PianoPrice firstPrice After
Plan with advertising5,49 €6,99 €
Standard Plan (2 devices)12,99 €13,99 €
Premium Plan (4 devices)17,99 €19,99 €

It is worth mentioning that Netlfix, before the extra user at a lower cost, announced the cancel a specific subscription plan.

Gianluca Cobucci
Gianluca Cobucci

Passionate about code, languages ​​and languages, man-machine interfaces. All that is technological evolution is of interest to me. I try to divulge my passion with the utmost clarity, relying on reliable sources and not "on the first pass".


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