The interface MIUI she is loved as much as hated because of the immediate resolution of little problems, really trifles, but they weigh on theuser experience, an aspect that is fundamental for Xiaomi. Waiting for this resolutionFortunately, there are other developers who take over the reins of the situation and put a patch over these holes. The problem to which we refer is that about notifications on Mi Mix 3 and the developer in question is FabioCZ. The happy owner of the last top of the range accused the problem of notifications with the Discord applications (messaging app dedicated to gamers) and Google Voice (phone service offered by Big G) and at that point decided to develop an app that would solve this headache, that is Notification Repeater.
Notification Repeater: goodbye problem notifications on Mi 3 Mix
We tell you the story in short: after purchasing the terminal and using the messaging applications in question, the developer has realized that notifications did not arrive at all. At that point he thought that the problem could derive from MIUI management of the batterythat we know delete unused apps in the background to save energy. Despite having activated all the notification buttons and the automatic start, the result was the same: Discord and Google Voice notifications arrived! Arrived at that point has decided to investigate with NotificationListenerService, a service that requires access to notifications e intercept all those coming. So it turned out that all of them Discord and Google Voice notifications were removed instantly because of "REASON_ERROR" error code: basically it means that MIUI was not able to visualize no content within the notification and then delete it.
The problem then was not the arrival of the notification but only its display,
FabioCZ he then resolved the problem and developed the app Notification Repeater. This app is able to intercept notifications before they are deleted from the MIUI system and repeat them, so that they are displayed on the device. The new notification is not like the original notification, in fact it only shows the title and text of the original notification without any other frills: for example, the quick reply feature is not supported.
The developer has also sent a package of updates that includes enabling for notifications, new icons, the possibility of the device vibrate at the arrival of a notification, to show floating notifications and more. Please download the app if you have the same type of problem.
Download Notification Repeater