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News MIUI: Android 9 Pie for Redmi Note 6 Pro and new battery percentage display feature on Always On Dsplay

A muted smartphone, so much so that it was already available for purchase on various online stores and only later made official with launch events. Let's talk about Redmire Xiaomi Note Pro 6, device that does not bring any significant news compared to the Redmi Note 5 Pro if not on an aesthetic level, offering a decidedly more modern design. We have tested it and honestly we have not fallen in love with it, but many have appreciated the mid-range smartphone in virtue of the price, able to offer auser experience complete at 360 degrees.

And therefore the owners of Redmi Note 6 Pro will be very happy knowing that after a few weeks of beta testing, the device finally receives theupdate to Android 9 Pie, thanks to the new MIUI 10 version 9.3.11 Global Beta which also carries security patches for the month of March. It should be noted that the ROM in question is not yet official as it is reserved for beta testers, but if you are eager to try the latest software release of the green robot on your terminal you can proceed with the manual flash clicking on the button below to download the ROM.


News MIUI: Android 9 Pie for Redmi Note 6 Pro and new battery percentage display feature on Always On Dsplay

But the news from the MIUI team does not end here because, currently only on the China version of the ROM, a new function is introduced that improves the Always On Display (AOD) mode typical of AMOLED displays. Without turning around too much, Lei Jun's company always listens to the requests of the Mi Fans, who clamored for the possibility of display the percentage of the remaining battery directly on the AOD screen, and of course the various notifications.


Said and done: in fact with a post from the MIUI application on the Weibo social network, the development team confirmed that with the next firmware upgrade all devices with an AMOLED panel will receive this new function, which you can see at the top of the picture. A function certainly useful, as at a glance it will allow us to understand the state of charge of the battery and therefore whether to work or not for a possible recharge. The devices involved will be the recent one Xiaomi Mi 9 e Mi 9 SE but also I Mix 3, Mi 8, Mi 8 Pro, Mi 8 Explorer Edition e Mi 8 SE. 

Emanuele Iafulla
Emanuele Iafulla

Nerd, Geek, Netizen, terms that do not belong to me. Simply myself, technology lover and provocative as Xiaomi does with his products. High quality at fair prices, a real provocation for the other most famous brands.


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