The presales of the Xiaomi MiBand 1S are over but if you have not managed to grab the new "smart band" of the Chinese brand, you can do it now by taking advantage of a really good price at Gearbest.
For those not familiar, the Xiaomi MiBand 1S will allow you to monitor the daily movements (steps) establishing the distances traveled. Your sleep will also be monitored by recording its quality, start and finish. With this new version a sensor for measuring heartbeat was also introduced.
Through vibration it is also possible to use the MiBand to be notified of any notifications and alarms set. Last but not least, the use of the automatic phone unlock function when the smart band is near it.
Today I'm pointing to you this offer from the GearBest shop
Using the discount code GBMIT you can get the discounted price of 25,90 €