4 June 2014 at 14 pm
DHL courier: "Alessandro, do I leave you in the usual place?"
Alexander: "Sure, thank you very much!"
So yesterday my adventure started with the One Plus One.
At 17:30 pm I leave the office and head at full speed (car permitting) towards the warehouse, looking forward to my first encounter with the brand new OnePlus One.
In fact they had to get 6 but for timing DHL only 4 was delivered to the store. The other two are expected today.
I come home, go down the 3 stairs to 3 and begin the surgical operation of the opening of the 1 parcel.
Carefully open the first box to reveal the packaging of the very most OnePlus One.
What to say, HUGE packs! I'm not used to seeing so much stuff in so much space. They would definitely have been better able to optimize the spaces.
We open the casket where the smartphone is carefully placed and we are faced with a marvel of technology. I have to say, this OnePlus One has also charmed me!
In addition to the smartphone, we find some interesting accessories that left me speechless not so much for the presence (obligation) of the invoice.
Red and white flat red USB cable with marking rubber band OnePlus, very beautifull! SIM card holder with a red plastic case with key ring, fantastic!
And now look at the phone.
After being targeted by several people, both on Facebook and the official OnePlus forum, the first thing I wanted to test was the compatibility with European networks (as it is the model prepared for the Asian market with operating system coloros).
You can understand my happiness in seeing the symbol appear at the top left H + Wind 3G!
Perfectly compatible with European networks as written on the label on the back of the package.
First use of the phone.
As anticipated, the phone has an operating system coloros, a system developed by Oppo for its devices for the Chinese market. By itself, the Color OS is not bad if it is not for the possibility of selecting only between English and Chinese and for a chunk of Chinese applications that pack the whole operating system.
After passing the "chinese" impact you realize that ColorOS does not mount the PlayStore and services Google As standard, there is only one Market owner from which I try to download google services without major results.
After trying to install "official" in the play store I said: "But OnePlus One may not have been created for the Modding?"
And so ... WHAT MODDING IS !!
Turning here and I can find everything I need to get started.
1. Device Root and Google Apps (short link to help)
I managed to run the device root and unlock the bootloader in 10 minutes (I did not have NEO of Matrix), which allowed me to install the Google Aps for 4.3 (ColorOS system base).
Upon restart, the icon of the play store made its appearance in the app drawer and from there the new life of my OnePlus One began.
2. Cyanogenmod CM11S (link to the guide)
The "European" version of One Plus One will be distributed with the preinstalled CM11S multilingual (with Italian obviously) and then ... why not install it?
Download the CM11S ROM to be installed via fastboot, other 10 minutes and .... TATATATAAAAAAAAAN
Now that you are right! OnePlus One completely in ITALIAN with one of the most advanced ROMs in the world!
But how powerful is this OnePlus One? SCARES!!
Boys, sorry for the tones, but I did exalt too much, a bit to be the first shop to have in stock (from italy and china) this extraordinary smartphone without the invitation mechanism (see link), partly for having managed to update everything in just over half an hour without bricking anything. :-p
What do you think? Obviously shortly a beautiful one video review complete.
via | Sm @ rty
Where are the Links?
Try again
Thanks, don't you know where to let me download the files for the Root, the ColorOS and Gapps? 🙂
I already have the Cyano by default.
No, I'm sorry 🙁
Ok, thanks for your availability! 🙂
The same feeling I felt yesterday afternoon, I use the links thanks.