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OnePlus Two and DUAL SIM support

Good morning guys! Yesterday afternoon I finally managed to put my hands on Two OnePlus.
It actually came in Smartylife last week but for family commitments he was lying on the desk for a few days.

Guess what was the first thing I tested by my subscriber when I turned on the device?

Yes, the brand new support DUAL SIM!

Before telling you how and why I would like to make a small premise.




My first contact with the world dates back more than a year OnePlus. All the OnePlus environment had done a majestic job to create the right hype for what would become one of the most popular devices of 2014 (and not only).
Unfortunately, however, not all my experience with the OnePlus world has been positive.

OnePlus Italia, with the approach of the release of the device began to shoot at Zero against the "Chinese version" of the OnePlus One practicing a real terror policy.
I still remember titles like: "Beware of Chinese OnePlus"Or post as"Difference between OnePlus by invitation and Chinese OnePlus".

On these occasions, OnePlus, in an attempt (among other things legitimate) to protect its sales channel by invitation, began to shoot one bullet after another.

Some examples?

"Warning! The OnePlus One purchased in China does not have the European LTE bands, the one bought at the invitation itself".
What reality was it? OnePlus One "Chinese" had FDD-LTE bands from 1800 / 2100 / 2600 exactly like OnePlus One on invitation.

"Warning! The OnePlus One bought without invitation has a different panel, it does not have the Sharp so you will have problems with yellow oars"
Tell hundreds of people who have bought OnePlus by invitation and then have to send the device back to yellow spots everywhere.

I was banned 2 times from the official OnePlus forum. The first time I published a link to purchase OnePlus One without invitation via the Smartylife shop (the BAN is there ... :-p)
The second time simply for having published the guide to install the CM12 on the "Chinese" OnePlus and make it the same device for the distribution at invitations all over the place.

Now, I can understand the attempt to protect your sales channel ... but why shoot naked?


Let's go now to Two OnePlus.

Here too the politics of terror goes ahead.

OnePlus has stated that the versions that will be distributed will be 3 (then Different 3 devices), one for the China, one forEurope and one for the 'America.
Apart from the fact that the question arises spontaneously: "But who did you do it? You could not make a device that was good everywhere, saving on production lines? "Another consideration is," This statement reminds me of something ... "

I can not know if what has been said will prove true or false, I have not yet had the chance to have in my hands a OnePlus Two purchased by invitation then I leave to the posterity the arduous sentence.

But something I can begin to say.

In an official post of OnePlus Italia a few weeks ago, he read "Warning! The OnePlus Two bought in China does not have the European LTE bands, the one bought by invitation does"… at the moment I can ensure that OnePlus Two bought in China without invitation has the same OnePlus One LTE bands, so just limited (missing 800 and 900Mhz) but present.

But the most worthy note is the second statement:


That's why the first thing tested by the undersigned was the new one DUAL SIM connectivity.


TRUE! OnePlus Two has only one IMEI

FALSE! OnePlus Two works well in Dual SIM mode.

I've put in the 2 nanosim smartphone (WIND e H3G) and the result is what you see in the picture. Hook-up on both lines without problems. With the OnePlus Two I can receive and call on both cards like a normal other DualSim.



What does it mean to have one IMEI only? The OnePlus manages to keep hooked without problems to both operators despite the single IMEI. But when there is an incoming or outgoing call, the unused SIM temporarily stops communicating until the call is hung up. Means that while we are on call we will not be able to receive another call from the other card, the phone will be busy or unreachable (even more comfortable for me as I'm not actually available).




Why then the statement of OnePlus Italy according to which the Chinese OnePlus can not be used in dual sim mode? Are we back to the politics of terror? For the second year in a row?

I repeat, I can not say if the OnePlus with the statement that would have come out 3 device DIFFERENT and distinct for the market is true or false, but the premises are not positive. You know ... one lie pulls the other and, among other things, have short legs.

We hope that a major company like OnePlus (which I liked to get rid of), has put its head on and does not disappoint the thousands of followers she deserves.

I remain anxious to test with my hands the much-anticipated OnePlus Two European with 2 IMEI and LTE bands from 800 and 900Mhz...


via | Sm @ rty

Simone Rodriguez
Simone Rodriguez

Blogger, but above all passionate about technology. I am part of a generation that has passed from the cathode ray tube to smartphones, making me witness to an unprecedented technological evolution. From 2012 I assiduously follow the Xiaomi brand that with the conveyance of various projects led me to realize, the home of all the Italian Xiaomisti. Write me: [email protected]


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