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POCOPHONE F1: Are you having problems with the touch? Xiaomi wants your device

Il POCOPHONE F1 it was a device of revelation because it was able to offer ottima qualità for a very low price, saving a little on premium materials and working more on the plans that interest us as a camera (even if it has now been surpassed by far) and SoC. However not all cakes come with a hole and in fact it seems that lately the device in question suffers from a touch problem. After an update many users complained and therefore our beloved brand, which is not eaten in the head by anyone, started to move.

POCOPHONE F1: Are you having problems with the touch? Xiaomi wants your device

Today the chief executive of POCOPHONE Alvin Tse has launched a message through Twitter to all users of the sub-brand Xiaomi. In this message he says that after an update software, precisely the Stable, many users have noticed a deterioration in the usage experience. The problems that the POCOPHONE F1 are from natura touch and it's about screen freezing, ghost touch (a kind of input on the screen that starts on its own, as if an invisible finger touched the display) e delays in touch input.

POCOPHONE F1: Are you having problems with the touch? Xiaomi wants your device

The ninety piece of POCO invites all users who have only encountered this type of problem after updating the ad send an email to [email protected] giving all the requested data, ie user ID, contact, problem description, feedback ID and a screenshot or video of the problem in question. In case your device is fished as a guinea pig to study the problem, the staff POCOPHONE will contact you and give you instructions.

This is yet another example of how the young brand incorporated into Xiaomi, always stay attentive to the user experience of consumers. More and more often I hear of people who at the slightest problem with their smartphone, rather than trying to resolve decide to buy a new one: the solution to device problems always exists (or almost) and in cases like these is at no cost.

Xiaomi Pocophone F1 4G 64GB Dual SIM BLACK EU
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Gianluca Cobucci
Gianluca Cobucci

Passionate about code, languages ​​and languages, man-machine interfaces. All that is technological evolution is of interest to me. I try to divulge my passion with the utmost clarity, relying on reliable sources and not "on the first pass".


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5 years ago


Danilo Magnone
Danilo Magnone
5 years ago

Hello Gianluca. What instructions? Certainly not the ones that came with your phone. Thank you. D Magnon

Danilo Magnone
Danilo Magnone
5 years ago

Good morning. In 1 of the 2 Pocofone F1 that I bought when you exit the home screen and enter 1app, to return to the home screen I am forced to turn off completely. The device every time!! My wife has set something wrong or what. ???? How can we fix it??? Many thanks. D Magnone.