Xiaomi begins to tease the imagination of its users with banner shots and even the Italian Mi Community follows suit by proposing a post titled SOMETHING IS COMING, in which it asks to guess what the teaser refers to. Some sort of clues are given which we report below:
- Everyone lived it
- Everyone can do it
- Everyone can have fun
First official teaser of the Xiaomi Mi A3?
Difficult to give for sure to what all this refers but the recent devices with the code name Bamboo and Cosmos, alias Xiaomi Mi A3 and Mi A3 Lite are in the air and could be closer to the presentation than you can imagine. Recall that the previous generation debuted in July 2018 me in recent times Xiaomi has restricted the period of presentation from one generation to another of devices. Just think of Mi 8 and Mi 9 as well as, for example, Mi Mix 2S and Mi Mix 3, so Mi A3 and Mi A3 Lite could arrive earlier than we usually think.
Xiaomi Mi A3 with 📷📷📷? pic.twitter.com/igqkYe4hcB
- Sudhanshu Ambhore (@Sudhanshu1414) May 8, 2019
To further fuel what has just been said the Sudhanshu Ambhore leaker thinks that exploiting the official teaser, with no half measures implies that Xiaomi Mi A3 will be decorated with a triple camera on the back. This is reinforced by the fact that the company refers to the entire Western public with the word GLOBAL PHOTOGRAPHY CONTEST, although it cannot be excluded that it simply refers to a photographic contest that collects all the best shots obtained with Xiaomi-branded smartphones with single, double and triple camera.
#Xiaomi Mi 9X will release soon in China.
- Sudhanshu Ambhore (@Sudhanshu1414) May 8, 2019
The leaker, however, adds to the dose as it goes so far as to state that the Mi 9X will be presented very soon in China, which surely, as happened with the previous models, will be the hardware and design base of the new Mi A3. While for what concerns the Mi A3 Lite the probable candidate seems to be the Redmi 7 that is cutting a good slice of the market thanks to the software optimization and a super cheap price.