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Redmi Go are you? New devices certified by CMIIT

Let's start by describing, to those who do not know, what it is Android Go. It is a operating system based on Oreo, designed exclusively for entry-level devices and therefore low-end since a whole series applications and functions are lightened: for example, there are no animations that many love, but that net of the capacity of the battery consume a lot. The project Android Go was born to make the smartphones with little RAM and little storage space more easily usable. Of course, there are obviously partners among this project Xiaomi that last year has certified by the Redmi Go. And today what happens? It seems that the Ministry of Industry and Technology Information of China (CMIIT) have certified three new devices, including one could one Redmi go (maybe international version) or even a second version for the Asian market only.

Redmi Go are you? New devices certified by CMIIT

According to the news we have, these newly certified devices are codenamed respectively M1903F2A, M1902F1A, and M1902F1T. The latter two have only the last letter different and therefore could be two different versions of the same device, perhaps of the Redmi Note 7 Pro (which can be fitted on board one Snapdragon 675).

But what really interests us here is the first codename M1903F2A: this abbreviation reminds you of something? To us: looks a lot like the Redmi Go theme song, appeared on the FCC sites in America, EEC in Russia and IMDA in Singapore as only the last three signs change. If you do not remember what we are talking about, we bring you the photo:

Xiaomi Redmi Go: Xiaomi's first Android smartphone Go is coming

As always Xiaomi is not with hands in hand and ready in the forge always has new products to be able to present or, as in this case, to certify. We remember that our brand is not new to "collaborations" and is always willing to mount different interfaces to the MIUI: the standard Xiaomi are examples Mi A that mount Android One.

The new idea, but also curious in some respects, is to think of smartphones aimed at an even lower market. Already the series Redmi, now an independent brand, it is dedicated to a low and medium-low range according to the models. But this? Devices with 1GB of RAM and very little internal memory they are smartphones for grandparentswithout obvious offense. This will be it the new target that has placed Xiaomi?


Gianluca Cobucci
Gianluca Cobucci

Passionate about code, languages ​​and languages, man-machine interfaces. All that is technological evolution is of interest to me. I try to divulge my passion with the utmost clarity, relying on reliable sources and not "on the first pass".


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