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Redmi Note 7 and Redmi Note 7 Pro: substantial updates for the real best buy of the 2019

Xiaomi has often been judged for the delay with which it releases some updates for its smartphones, but to be honest there are some devices that are definitely privileged and pampered by the MIUI development team. Among these we certainly find Redmi Note 7 and Redmi Note 7 Pro, the latter never officially arrived on our market but no less appreciated by Italian mobile users.

And let's start right from the Redmi Note 7 Pro that has recently received the MIUI 10.3.12 with related optimizations among which stands out the resolution of a problem that many users have complained about and that has compromised the use of the smartphone in the multimedia field. In fact, for no apparent reason during the recording of videos (in any resolution) lag and loss of frames were the dominant of such videos, but fortunately with the new MIUI update, weighing about 300 MB, this problem seems to have been solved.

note 7 notes

But the news does not end here, since the complete changelog also mentions several improvements in system speed and especially the security patches of July 2019. The new update for Redmi Note 7 Pro is being rolled out in India and then it will be enough to acknowledge the arrival of the OTA notification or try to force the download by going to  Settings Info on the device > Software updates.

Redmi Note 7 and Redmi Note 7 Pro: substantial updates for the real best buy of the 2019

But certainly the most popular of the two devices remains the Redmi Note 7, a terminal that stands out among all the mid-ranges in circulation and considered by many a real best seller. For him, Xiaomi has released an update that introduces the July 2019 security patches but also further optimizations of which below you will find a complete picture in the changelog:

  • System
    • Optimization: Update of the Android security patch in July 2019. Greater system security.
  • Lock screen, status bar, notification area
    • New: Introduced customizable lock screen clock (Settings> Lock screen and password> Advanced settings). The new lock screen clock doesn't work with third-party themes.
    • Resolved: The media volume could not be restored after receiving a notification.
  • Turbo Videogames
    • Fixed: The duration of hands-free calls was not displayed correctly in Turbo Video Games.
  • We Cloud
    • Optimization: Improved synchronization on multiple devices.

note 7 notes

Emanuele Iafulla
Emanuele Iafulla

Nerd, Geek, Netizen, terms that do not belong to me. Simply myself, technology lover and provocative as Xiaomi does with his products. High quality at fair prices, a real provocation for the other most famous brands.


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