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Unlock Bootloader Xiaomi: Attention to waiting times!

Let's face it, one of the things we appreciate most about ours Xiaomi is the possibility of unlock the devices to install with relative simplicity ROM custom e optimized and localized versions of MIUI even on devices not yet officially distributed in Italy. To do this we need the unlocking the bootloader. But be careful!

About 2 weeks ago I received the brand new one Xiaomi Mi9 (see the review) and after a couple of days I entered mine MI account to be able to unlock the bootloader.

Unfortunately, as many of us will know, Xiaomi has for some time inserted a countdown that can go from 15days (as in my case) to various meals.

Essentially, after having registered account and the unlocking procedure in the Developer Settings il We Unlock will tell us the following:

Not much can be done, we will have to wait for these 360 hours (15 days).

In the meantime we can use the device without problems and, from time to time, we can try to unlock it just to check how many days remain until the X hour and hope for a Xiaomi gift that allows us to unlock before ... sometimes it happens.

But there is one thing you absolutely must not do in the meantime!


I learned it at my expense.

This morning I arrived at 96 hours from the release (4 days) ... ehmmm yes ... check every morning even if it would be enough for me to do yesterday's calculation -24 ... 🙂

I go on and .. WOOOO ... has just been released xiaomi.eu_multi_MI9_9.3.14_v10-9 !!! The first EU DEVELOPER for Mi9!

But then I can't wait for other 4 days to try it! And taken by an incredible raptus I disconnect my Xiaomi account from the Mi9 and I start to try all the accounts in my possession .. that of my wife, the dog, the cat, etc.

Nothing, all accounts tell me "360 missing hours".

Resigned I re-enter mine and try again.


Naively I thought the countdown was stored on Xiaomi's servers and re-entering my account I would start from where I left off.

MISTAKE! Each time the account is reconnected the countdown starts over again.

Now I find myself with the EU released and other 15 days of nerve-racking waiting before I can unlock the device.

Many of you will tell me "And good fool!"(True Simo?) Or"But everyone knew it!"Or something less diplomatic ... I deserve it.

But this article is for those who, like me, in ignorance are tempted to let themselves be guided by the monkey.


See you again 15 days! …perhaps… :'(

8 February 2025 4: 58
Price updated on: February 8, 2025 4:58
Xiaomi Mi 9 16,2 cm (6.39 ") 6 GB 128 GB Double SIM 4G Black 3300 mAh
⚠️ If the coupon has expired, look for the updated one on ours Telegram Channel
Alessandro Cimino
Alessandro Cimino

Always passionate about technology, I was literally kidnapped by all that is put in china once discovered the Xiaomi world. Since then I have seen them cooked and raw but the passion has never passed.


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5 years ago

Hi, I also bootloader pending unblocking.
I wanted to ask one thing: is there already a working TWRP to be able to flash?

5 years ago

Thanks for the answer, so is that a reliable twrp? I did not find feedback around

5 years ago

Hi, yesterday I started to read the feedback on the forum: the only two who tried to flash the 9 mi reported errors.
One of the two could have "circumvented" the problem by forcing the installation script ... today I go back to reading and see what they say. For the moment I would be good, already "it would be enough" to be able to flash magisk on the rom stock. We'll see

5 years ago

Ok thank you!

4 years ago

Good evening, can anyone tell me why the timer time does not drop but always remains the same?
Thanks so much

4 years ago

Hi Alessandro, thank you for sharing your experience (sorry for the further wait!)!
However, I would like to know if the sim must also be kept inside the phone to be unlocked or if I can remove it to reinsert it on my previous smartphone, since on the one to be unlocked I would then have to put a rom and so for now I would like to continue using my current one. phone (they are both xiaomi).  
thank you so much

Somewhere else
Somewhere else
4 years ago

I just got a Note 8 PRO AND I CAN'T GIVE IT A CA..O because of the 168 hours of unlocking. It is the first Xiaomi that I take, but here we are already putting a good brick on the possibility of taking a second one. It MUST go VERY well just to consider the possibility of taking other smartphones from this house!
Not to mention that it DOES NOT SEND emails on the free domain, and I had to create an email on gmail… damn !!!

Luca Agostini
5 years ago

last year I already unlocked the 5plus, now I have the 7 note, will I always have to wait for the 360 hours?

Guido Callegari
5 years ago

Hello everyone, a very strange thing happened to me today, 2 weeks ago I start the unlock procedure, it gives me 360 ​​hours ... Last week I check again and it gives me exactly half the hours, today I reconnect the phone and 750h appear !! ! Note that the phone always has the same account and has not even been used ... Did this happen to you by chance? How can I solve?

5 years ago

Alessandro, está sendo possível colocar a global room um um mi 9 com room chinesa? saberia me dizer?

5 years ago

All nice, but now even Xiaomi has become a company that puts a spoke in the wheel for users. If you want to install a global version of their roms, you can't re-lock the bootloader under pain of bricking the phone (this didn't happen with older models). And worse, they have disabled EDL mode to attempt unbrick… We don't mention ARB protection, which doesn't allow downgrading of roms if needed… Even then if you try, brick your phone. And unfortunately keeping the bootloader unlocked causes problems with all those apps that require it to be locked,... Read the rest »

5 years ago

Unfortunately I don't think it's like you say, to a colleague, with an MI 8 with unlocked bootloader, some apps of the online banks (I think chebanca or fineco, I'm not sure which of the two) and insurance, have functioning problems with relative messages security, or some apps don't appear in the play store.
From time to time it has problems with google pay, netflix had to download the apk from apkmirror, and so on ...
I believe the game is not worth the candle.
Better make sure you have a smartphone for the global / European market

Ludovico the stone
Ludovico the stone
5 years ago

There is the .eu but there is no twrp to put it…. So don't worry….