Xiaomi, or better, the YESOUL brand, has just launched a really innovative spinning bike on the Xiaomi crowdfunding platform with a surprising price. The homemade fitness accessory is called Wild Beast M3 Intelligent Spinning Bike by YESOUL and is perfect for those who do not have time to go to the gym or just do not feel like it.
The Wild Beast M3 adopts a design where resistance is produced by magnets, then there is a high resistance Weigel rubber strap that serves to prevent friction and decrease the noise of the brake pads of traditional spinning bikes, obviously your neighbors. they will appreciate it.
Being a smart bike, inside we find a chip that serves to collect all the information obtained from our pedaling, giving as a response personalized training programs for the owner. During the exercise, there is also a "personal" trainer that monitors the intensity of the movement, along with the heart rate, calories burned and other unspecified data. The advice of this smart coach should help to avoid over-training (tiring yourself too much) or too little, training in a safer and more efficient way.
YESOUL Wild Beast M3 spinning bike presented with an integrated screen by 10.1 "
In addition to the smart coach, there will also be several lessons created by professionals in the field that you can watch live online, so you can train in company and not feel completely isolated.
We have left the most interesting detail of this spinning bike for last, let's talk about the display on the front of the same. The Wild Beast M3 actually comes with a small 10.1 inch screen on which you can watch live lessons, check all available parameters and probably also watch other videos or movies online (unspecified).
On the Xiaomi website, the crowdfunding campaign of YESOUL Wild Beast M3 is under way, where it is possible to buy it at 1499 Yuan, which translates into about € 190, a truly exceptional price considering what it offers.
menu w języku chińskim. Nie da się założyć konta z Polski aby móc używać treningów online.
Where can I buy it? No links present
Unfortunately the initial 190 € have become 550 plus shipping