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Stop advertising even on TVs: more entertainment, less disturbance

The fantastic news that at the end of July had cheered our eyes, or the stop at advertising on our MIUI site today it has "expanded" and has even reached the department TV of the brand. It is under the eyes of all users, at least Chinese, who Xiaomi have said stop advertising even on Mi TVs. Everything would have happened immediately after an update of the last, recognizable by the users through a message that appeared when the device started.

Stop advertising even on TVs: more entertainment, less disturbance

This is the message that appeared after restarting We TV of the Chinese brand:

Stop advertising even on TVs: more entertainment, less disturbance

Bringing the flag up with the motto written on it Xiaomi carries on from his birth, that is "Technology for all", the advertisement says precisely "Let everyone enjoy the fun of technology". This mantra therefore does not find concretization only in the wing smartphone / MIUI of the brand but it seems that the other parts of the giant are also interested.

Let's do a brief analysis of why though Xiaomi needs these advertisements. Considering i very low costs of all the devices of the brand, including smartphones, TVs, accessories and so on, it is plausible and in my opinion a duty grant the brand a minimum profit margin in addition to the 5% always announced by CEO Lei Jun. And how to do it, if not through advertisements? Let's say that it is a source of income for them given the low margin that one has with the sale of all the more or less intelligent devices.

Returning to the news, however, all Chinese users have noticed this sort of billboard at the start of their TV and they have been pleasantly surprised. On the other hand, what to expect from a manufacturer whose televisions win awards of the caliber of "Color TV Innovation Product Award" al China Intelligent Display and Innovation Application Industry Conference, "2019 Top Ten TV Awards", "High-end Smart Product Award" e "Disp Grand Prize-AIoT Technology"?


Gianluca Cobucci
Gianluca Cobucci

Passionate about code, languages ​​and languages, man-machine interfaces. All that is technological evolution is of interest to me. I try to divulge my passion with the utmost clarity, relying on reliable sources and not "on the first pass".


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