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Netflix support is ready to go on TV

In addition to smartphones, as for everyday products, Xiaomi it is famous on a global scale but above all in India for its Mi Tyou Smart TV. Especially in this country, low-medium range devices and televisions are very popular for one main reason: the low cost and therefore the convenience. As usual, however, Xiaomi does not stop after launching a product and continues to churn out new ones, always better performing and with better results than the previous model: via a tweet on the well-known social network Manu Kumar Jain, the brand manager in India, has revealed that the September 17th, during the highly anticipated event SmarterLiving 2020, important news regarding their own will be announced We TV. One of these is the Netflix support: this streaming platform is also going to make its debut on the most affordable TVs in the world.

Netflix support is ready to go on TV

As mentioned, during this very interesting event that will be held next week, news of considerable importance will be announced. A small preview was given with the following tweet: the logo of the streaming platform is not seen at all most used of all, but the unmistakable opening sound is recognized.

Recall that before now all the TV and Smart TV of the brand had the possibility to use the different platforms for viewing streaming content only through external devices. We do not know if the models already on the market will be implemented with this interesting feature, but we are sure that in a more or less recent future this will be possible. In addition to this, again through the social Twitter, Manu Kumar Jain has leaked one of the new products that will be presented: it is a I TV (or Smart TV) from ben 65 ”and with 4K screen.

Gianluca Cobucci
Gianluca Cobucci

Passionate about code, languages ​​and languages, man-machine interfaces. All that is technological evolution is of interest to me. I try to divulge my passion with the utmost clarity, relying on reliable sources and not "on the first pass".


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