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A video shows us how Xiaomi Play really is

He has been going crazy for a few hours on the Chinese social media Weibo a video that shows us how it really is Xiaomi play: a clearly Chinese user, in one of many Mi Store of Middle-earth, has the chatter in his hands Xiaomi play, the latest device from the big Chinese of technology dedicated to users of a very young band that focus on online gaming. It is in fact from this characteristic that the device takes its name.

A video shows us how Xiaomi Play really is

The Chinese leaker 呆 小萌 _Dream has evidently just bought the device in question and without wasting time shows off the goods on Weibo. The smartphone is equipped with what I call "Gotch", Or the notch in the form of a drop of water at the top of the measuring screen 5.84''. It is not a small screen and in this regard, almost to do it on purpose, Lin Bin (president of Xiaomi) post a photograph on the same social a few hours later, showing a variation of the posters that have been running for the web for days telling us:

"Currently smartphones are getting bigger and working with one hand is very inconvenient. Xiaomi Play uses undisplay from 5.84 ", which is equivalent to that of a 5 screened phone" a few years ago. There is no problem with one-handed use and the pockets will not feel uncomfortable. 1080 resolution x 2280 FHD + with PPI up to 432. Friends who like small phones will be happy. "

xiaomi play

That said, we do not know what it means or to which phone "few years ago" Lin Bin make reference, but we have an idea: it will perhaps be the Mi5, with his one hand mode that allowed to decrease the usable size of the screen up to 3.5 "? Who knows, the fact is that lovers of small screens will be satisfied (and personally I am among them).

Returning to what we see in the video, we confirm the features we have described in this article. What remains in doubt is the SoC mounted under the body, but also in this case the rumors from China come to the aid: it is rumored that the chip that will be used will be the new MediaTek Helio P90, processor presented this year as carrier of enhanced AI e intended for medium-high end devices. Obviously we speak only by hearsay and certainties we do not have, but certainly when Xiaomi he hides something to us until the last signifies that has a nice surprise in store.

1 source, 2 source, 3 source

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Gianluca Cobucci
Gianluca Cobucci

Passionate about code, languages ​​and languages, man-machine interfaces. All that is technological evolution is of interest to me. I try to divulge my passion with the utmost clarity, relying on reliable sources and not "on the first pass".


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