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Widevine L1: here is the (bitter) point of the situation for the Xiaomi terminals

Needless to hide behind a finger, Xiaomi devices and similar like the POCOPHONE F1 they are certainly attractive at the price level, net of the performances offered, but if there is one thing that just does not go down to the various users (and I do not speak of the failure to display notifications due to the notch) is the absence of support for the Widevine L1 protocol, although the latest generation terminals enjoy high quality displays. And on this topic, namely the Widevine L1, the company has expressed itself in the last hours, but bringing not very good news.

widevine l1

In fact, the owners of POCOPHONE F1 will have to wait a long time, but without giving certain dates, so we talk about weeks but also months before the release to Widevi and L1 support is effective. In this period there have been many optimizations released by the development team, such as an improvement in the launcher that now boasts the notification counters on icons but also photo-level optimizations, as the development of 60 frame registration at the second with 4K resolution was completed.

Widevine L1: here is the (bitter) point of the situation for the Xiaomi terminals

But nothing to do at the moment, for the ability to view HD content on platforms such as Netflix, Amazon Prime and similar services. Apart from this I add my own reflection personal, as as you may have noticed we are talking exclusively about POCOPHONE F1, but the problem also concerns the rest of the smartphones of the Chinese team, and therefore when the fix will also be released for the various Mi 8, Mi Mix 3 etc ..?

widevine l1

The appointment is definitely postponed to 2019, which sees among other things many new things at home Xiaomi, such as for example the detachment of the series REDMI which becomes in effect a branch of the major Asian brand, just as Honor is for Huawei. Stay tuned for more details.

Emanuele Iafulla
Emanuele Iafulla

Nerd, Geek, Netizen, terms that do not belong to me. Simply myself, technology lover and provocative as Xiaomi does with his products. High quality at fair prices, a real provocation for the other most famous brands.


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