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Xiaomi updates the Screen Time function

The smartphone has become a real tool for everyday use, used not only for calls and messages but also for productivity, entertainment and much more. Perhaps too much considering the time we spend in front of the display of our device. Google has seen fit to measure this time by introducing the Digital Wellbeing function within its OS ANdroid 9 Pie for some time.

Many have re-proposed the function of Google, better known as Digital Wellbeing, within its own interfaces, and even Xiaomi has not wanted to be outdone by inserting in its MIUI the new function called Screen Time whose operation is very similar. At the moment you can find Screen Time only within MIUI 10 Beta, but as you well know from July 1 this version of ROM will disappear concentrating all the forces on the MIUI Stabile, which will soon receive the new function that is now enriched with a new improvement update.

Xiaomi updates the Screen Time function

In fact with the new update, Screen Time acquires the possibility of having separate time monitoring for each individual application. It will therefore be possible to set usage time limits for each individual app installed on your smartphone. Once the usage limit is exceeded, the system will automatically disable the use of the app in question.

Of course it will be possible to disable or cancel the restriction notice, thus continuing to use the app without limits, although at this point the utility of the Screen Time function is lost. As for the notices, you can also decide to set separate usage limit values ​​for both weekday and weekend days. In short, a function that could serve as a no and my personal thought is that this is quite useless, in short, like the warning we find on cigarette packets. And do you use it or do you think it's useless?

Emanuele Iafulla
Emanuele Iafulla

Nerd, Geek, Netizen, terms that do not belong to me. Simply myself, technology lover and provocative as Xiaomi does with his products. High quality at fair prices, a real provocation for the other most famous brands.


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