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Xiaomi AirDots, the first problems for wireless headsets, but here's a solution

When it comes to wireless headsets, the emblazoned voices immediately come to mind Apple AirPods, whose quality and design are undeniable. And so Lei Jun's OEM about a month ago presented her version of this audio gadget, i Xiaomi AirDots, marked by a fierce price of about 25 euros in China, Bluetooth 5.0 and a minimal look that has nothing to envy. During Black Friday, the AirDots have depopulated just because they were offered at the ridiculous price they are sold in China and at the moment it becomes difficult to find them but maybe some of you managed to grab them and maybe have already received them. Well that you are among the lucky owners or you are still waiting for them, know that you may have some difficulty using the two earphones at the same time.

Yeah, just like that, you could run into this problem but fortunately on the net are already available guides that solve the problem in a defined way and then we propose again so that you can enjoy your new Xiaomi AirDots at the same time.


In practice the problem concerns the operation in stereo, since it could be verified the loss of pairing between the two wireless headphones and the smartphone, due to prolonged use of a single driver or when one of the two earphones is completely discharged. But don't worry, let's see right away how to solve the problem of pairing Xiaomi AirDots, in just a few simple steps.

Xiaomi AirDots, the first problems for wireless headsets, but here's a solution


First you have to remove one of the two earphones from the case, leaving the other one inserted in its housing.


At this point the newly-picked headset will automatically turn on. Switch it off by pressing the touch area for a long time.


Continue to hold for 30 seconds, until you see the red light come on a second time.


Now take the second headset out of the case and repeat the 1,2 and 3 steps of the guide.


Once you have finished the steps on the second headset, you must insert them both in the charging case and leave them for 5 seconds.

You have finished, and then you can finally enjoy the stereo mode as the Xiaomi AirDots will be perfectly synchronized. A note should be made, however, about the connection with the smartphone, as they will be recognized as ONLY MI DOTS R, but other than that the earphones will work in stereo mode.

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Emanuele Iafulla
Emanuele Iafulla

Nerd, Geek, Netizen, terms that do not belong to me. Simply myself, technology lover and provocative as Xiaomi does with his products. High quality at fair prices, a real provocation for the other most famous brands.


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5 years ago

No los recomiendo para nada.
Pierden the synchronization constantly, y aveces con cualquier movimiento pierden el contacto de carga within the estuche y se descargan, or se descarga y el otro se queda con batería… un desastre a buen precio eso si.

3 years ago
Reply to  Andrés

En mi problem un auricular funciona perfecto (el izquierdo) y el otro no hace nada except to connect it with the base, that se enciende una luz roja y otra blanca y parpadea. Ayuda por favor

2 years ago
Reply to  Juan

I'm the same as Juan, can you find a solution?

4 years ago

The luz del estuche de carga does not change in blanca, which is theoretically es cuando están cargados.
Se queda en red fijo.

Some help?

Alberto Chousa
4 years ago
Reply to  Gerardo

I'm wondering the same thing, have you found any solution?

4 years ago
Reply to  Alberto Chousa

I keep the problem. El izquierdo cuando está en la caja sale luz roja (el derecho funciona sin problema). He intentado presionar ambos al mismo tiempo bastante tiempo y el izquierdo no enciende ningún tipo de luz (ni roja ni blanca ni nada)

4 years ago
Reply to  Camilo

Hola amigo, have you seen the solution? estoy en las mismas

5 years ago

Блин ребят, а вот у меня не работает, то есть правый наушник вообще не работает, просто звука нет, тоесть он подключается, но не работает, в т время как левый тебе оповещает что он подключился, правый просто молчит, сенсор работает, а звука нет, что делать?

5 years ago
Reply to  Boris

Добрый день. У меня такая же проблема. Сброс не помог. Вы нашли решение?

5 years ago

номер на большой постоянно и семента на бесплатный

João Victor
João Victor
2 years ago

The direct side of me doesn't connect to the end of the line and when it starts to load the fish a few times and then pays, then pass some seconds after the turn to piss and then pays again… which is assim for several minutes.

Can anyone help me?!?!?

blackzin maker
blackzin maker
3 years ago

Meu mi airdots ta com um problem de carregamento carrega mais um lado qo outro
Tem soluções pra esse problem? Pq esse problem aconteceu no segundo dia de use (nao esta danificado).

but by
but by
4 years ago

Total geniuses, many thanks, I was moving around the place

Maria Ribeiro
Maria Ribeiro
4 years ago

Usei phones de fio, quando retirei os phones o sinal de phones no desligou mais. I do not allow you to receive calls if you do not use telephones or high voice. Ajudem pf

Ida Dewi
Ida Dewi
5 years ago

Selamat siang, saya ingin sedekit bercerita ya… ..Saya baru punya Airdots Redmi, pertama kali saya buka kotak kemasannya saya hanya mendapat produk airdot, lapisan karet 2 pasang dan buku kecil panduan yg berbahasa china ya kalo gak sala. Saya bingung kenapa sama sekali tidak ada bahasa lain paling tidak bahasa Inggris lah.Akhirnya saya coba operasikan dg mengkonfigurasikan dg hp saya dan dg sangat mudah saya bisa memakainya. Setelah berselang lama ada pemberitahuan baterai / daya sudah minim, akhirnya saya colok usb ke slotnya. Tapi ternyata daya / baterai tidak bertambah hingga sekarang saya belum bisa menggunakan airdot saya lagi karena sdh kehabisan daya. Tolong dong... Read the rest »

4 years ago
Reply to  Ida Dewi

SAYA JUGA MENGALAMI HAL YANG SAMA. bagian kanan airdot saya terlalu Cepat kehabisan daya

5 years ago

Obrigada, solucionou meu problema.

Arturo Montero
5 years ago

Muchas gracias, tenia 24 horas. sin saber como poder sincronizarlos

Jata paras syafiq
Jata paras syafiq
5 years ago

Sangat membantu, trima kasih

5 years ago

Bom dia, pessoal.
O meu Mi Airdots está com deferença de volume entre um lado eo outro. Alguém sabe como ajustar isso?
Thanks for listening.

5 years ago
Reply to  Allan

Try desparear and dpois parear novamente. Qdo aconteceu comigo foi o que eu fiz, Exclui os dispositivos from bluetooth list and dpois reconecta como da primeira vez.

5 years ago

Wypróbowałem 10 innych i TEN TU opisany sposób na połączenie w tryb stereo i NIC nie pomaga

5 years ago

Wypróbowałem 10 innych i TEN TU opisany sposób na połączenie w tryb stereo i NIC nie pomaga

5 years ago

Super !! Very good thanx !!!

5 years ago

Super goods !!

5 years ago

Dzięki 5 razy reset the zadziałało, tylko spróbujcie raz zaczynać od lewej a raz od prawej

5 years ago

I buy a Redmi Air Dots and I click on the side of the phone that automatically connects directly f1ca disconnecting all the time when I move. For those hours that I don't connect at all, I have to put the caixinha in before resetting the sinal and connect, but I follow the key by disconnecting again, a bag is fixed and I don't go back to Google.

5 years ago

THANK YOU VERY MUCH (FROM GREECE) !!! I did it in less than three minutes.

5 years ago

Help me!! I have a Redmi 4x buy the phones and try to pair the two but I don't know if it's an outro. ta foda!!!

Дядя Катя
Дядя Катя
5 years ago

Нк работает.

5 years ago

Eu can I recarregá-lo pelo carregador de celular?

Dos santos
Dos santos
5 years ago

Its really works in xiaomi mia1

5 years ago

Oi boa noite, um lado do meu fone funciona normal or outro não, when coloco ele na caixinha ele pisca branco and vermelho e não dá mais sinal

5 years ago
Reply to  Deivid

como vc resolveu or meu esta assim?

5 years ago
Reply to  Deivid

Também estou com o mesmo problem. Há alguma solução?

5 years ago
Reply to  gabriel

Mesmo problem aqui

5 years ago

В мене все вийшло.
Пів дня парився і нерозумів що далі з цим дивом техніки робити.

5 years ago

Estou com o mesmo problem citado pela Anna.
O fone esquerdo não liga, draft el do gabinete and ele não acende nenhuma luz, coloco el va de no gabinete e luz vermelha também não acende. Não sei o que fazer

5 years ago
Reply to  Ygor

Mesmo problem here, usei só um dia ...

5 years ago

My problem is that the earpiece is out of sight but it's too late that the lights are turned on…only 20 days ago. I'm keeping it and it hasn't suffered a blow… AYUDA, POR FAVOR!!! THANKS!

5 years ago
Reply to  Anna

Estou com or mesmo problem

5 years ago

Спасибо большое! Все работает (:

5 years ago

Parfait pour moi aussi:
Sortez les 2 écouteurs, appuyez 1mn sur chaque écouteur (en même temps), places les dans la boîte quelques secondes, appairez l'écouteur droit.

5 years ago

Funcionou perfected.

Axel Leb
Axel Leb
5 years ago

Merci beaucoup, javais peur qu'il y ait un problème grave mais ça s'est arrangé grâce à cet article .Sans lui, je serais peut être resté longtemps sans réussir à se nouveau les synchroniser 😀

5 years ago

Всё ровно левей наушник, мигает красно белым, не помогает не чего, может кто нибудь подскажет что делать?

Elena Elena
Elena Elena
5 years ago

Мне не помогло. Есть другое решение?

5 years ago

Mine isn't working even after i follow the steps, is there another way?

5 years ago

A mi la solución que proponéis no me has funcionado, he repetido el proceso varies veces y nunca he results que se sincronicen entre ambos… .. ¿Alternative algae?

5 years ago
Reply to  Ivan

Hola Ivan, Me pasaba mismo y me has costado mucho encontrarlo but at final lo he solucionado (I copy with traducción google jeje) Auriculares excepción solución: (Dos auriculares no funcionan to mismo tiempo) Pasos de operación: 2 auriculares funcionan por separado Los auriculares if quitan de la caja de carga y se encienden. 1. El auricular izquierdo (debajo de los auriculares está encendido) Presio el panel táctil unos 50 segundos o más, Después de aproximadamente 3 segundos, luz roja aparece Espera y espera, luego aparecen las luces blancas rojas y rojas ), Espera, entonces... Read the rest »

5 years ago
Reply to  Edgar

Thank Youuuuuuuuuuuuuu !!!

5 years ago
Reply to  Edgar

Cara você é um ANJO funcionou perfemente, já estava preocupado thinking que algum was a physical problem. Obrigado!

5 years ago
Reply to  Edgar

Muchas gracias, at the end, despúés de seguir los pasos de varios tutoriales, he achieved it with esta explicación. Saludos amigo

5 years ago

Огромное спасибо автору статьи !!!

5 years ago

no me funciona !! apago los dos with the segunda luz roja, los meto en la caja y cuando los saco de nuevo one if enciende blanco parpadeando y el otro en rojo parpadeando más rápido, como se arregla?

Thiago teles
Thiago teles
5 years ago

Alguém conseguiu? Mesmo fazendo como shows acima não conseguir.
Tentei de tudo. Só consigo um por vez! If alguém achieve me ajudem por favir

5 years ago
Reply to  Thiago teles

It's simples amigo, or tutorial, not completely corrected, você retira os dois fones, fãs os passos 2 and 3, depois que piscarem uma segunda vez a luz vermelha, você não os devolve ao estojo, você liga os dois ao mesmo time, e simples, só seguras por 5 segundos que ele já acende and auto synchroniza

5 years ago

Thanks! It worked like a charm

6 years ago

I believe that the only major flaw of the AirDots is this problem of the headphones not working in stereo. The guide works, but unfortunately it does not definitively solve the problem. In the event that, after following all the steps, you continue to use only one headset rather than both for a few minutes (and therefore keeping the other in the case), the headphones will again lose their stereo connection. and the other won't work. The smartphone will continue to recognize two distinct and separate headsets: one left and the other right. For the rest I have not noticed other major problems.... Read the rest »

5 years ago
Reply to  roberto11700

Cara ngatasinya gimna yah

5 years ago
Reply to  roberto11700

apa xiomi airdost ada aplicasinya equalizernya seperti punya iaple

5 years ago
Reply to  Nasya


5 years ago
Reply to  roberto11700

Привет, после выполнения всех шагов нащуники не работают вместе. подключаются по очереди, но вместе не играют. Что делать?

5 years ago
Reply to  Artrm

Повтори, у меня все стало работать. И звук класс.

Thiago teles
Thiago teles
5 years ago
Reply to  roberto11700

Conseguiu amigo?