Xiaomi it is not new to this type of initiative since last year it launched the first "Xiaomi Photography Challenge"Globally, promising a first prize from the well dollars 10.000. This time though, although it is something that has to do with photographs taken and videos shot with devices Xiaomi, we are not talking about a contest. Guided, as we know, from the motto “technology for everyone"Our beloved brand wanted to experiment with aa completely new initiative designed primarily to involve users interested in the multimedia world but also and above all to show the whole world what Xiaomi devices are capable of as regards the photographic sector. Xiaomi Studios: this is the name of the event (if we can call it that) that transforms the motto from "technology for all" to "creativity for all".
Xiaomi Studios: show the world your skill with photos and videos
All users have the opportunity to register as I Creators, or talented photographers and film-makers who, in addition to showing their passion for these two fields, can help others with the same interests and share your creativity with the whole world. As mentioned in the introduction, Xiaomi has decided to broaden its motto aware of the fact that if before everyone was able to take great pictures or video with any good quality device now Xiaomi users can do the same (and better) with their own devices and can even show their work to the whole world. Halfway between a publicity stunt and an opportunity to learn from more or less pro users, this event allows you to join a community of I Creators.
To do this, simply click on the "Sign Up"Going on place. After that it will suffice send photos or videos made exclusively from Xiaomi devices, attaching name, country and name of the device. Ready to become famous?