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Xiaomi India: Sold 3 millions of devices in just 12 months!

Xiaomi? Famous company that moved its first steps outside of the China. With the expansion towards the territory Indian, last year, apparently the company has sold well 3 millions of devices in just 12 months from its presence in the country. It is worth noting that the company relies entirely on "word of mouth" advertising, more commonly "Word of mouth".






The company Chinese leader has reached the finish line of 1 million devices sold in India after only five months of autonomy in Indian territory. With only three products in "Exchange" il Mi3, Redem 1S and Redmi Notes (first generation). It just took more three months to reach the 2 millions of products sold. While others around five months to get his final goal.

Xiaomi announced its expansion, through its Indian operations manager, Mr. Manu Jain, who said: "The mobile market in India is growing at a very high pace and we are happy to be an integral part of it. We are much more than a smartphone company, in fact, we also provide Internet services and we also sell our products through online commerce, and we believe we can grow further in this new territory outside of China".



Manu Jain with the famous "teddy bear" Xiaomi.


In India, the products Xiaomi are officially available on the largest e-commerce portal in the country, Flipkart, and through one partnerships with the country's largest wireless operator, or A, side by side to your web store Xiaomi. Currently the company's products available in the country are: il Mi4, Mi4i, redmi 2, Redmi 2 Prime and the tablet Mi Pad, along with accessories such as Mi Band, PowerBank and various earphones.


Also, see this article, you'll find out about Xiaomi's next expansion plans!

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Xiaomi new destination for expansion: Africa


Xiaomi however, he was able to launch the long-awaited Redmi Note 2 in India. Foxconn, production partner of Xiaomi, has recently started production of the Redmi Notes 2 Prime in India in his factory Visakhapatnam.



Article Xiaomi India: Sold 3 millions of devices in just 12 months! seems to be the first of

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Simone Rodriguez
Simone Rodriguez

Blogger, but above all passionate about technology. I am part of a generation that has passed from the cathode ray tube to smartphones, making me witness to an unprecedented technological evolution. From 2012 I assiduously follow the Xiaomi brand that with the conveyance of various projects led me to realize, the home of all the Italian Xiaomisti. Write me: [email protected]


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