The Xiaomi Mi 8 released in May of the 2018 is about to take a year, this means that we could begin to consider it a bit old, at least from the "personal data" point of view. If instead we go to see the hardware we find that, apart from the previous generation CPU, the smartphone is still a top of the range from many points of view.
For example, one of the most important components in a device, namely the display, is an excellent AMOLED panel that will soon become even more interesting thanks to the update that Xiaomi has in servo for the Mi 8.
Xiaomi Mi 8 about to receive the Always Color Display
As you can see from the title, let's talk about bringing the functionality to an Always On Color display on the device. Until now it was possible to use AOD technology but only with a black and white screen.
With the new update in the Chinese beta number 8.11.19 there will be the option to activate the Always On Display with different color animations. Also it will be possible to set the animation under the clock (as picture above). There will be a total of 12 different styles and four types of animations.
Obviously with the activation of the AOD mode with color animations, the energy consumption will increase, also depending on the type of animation selected. Having said that, if compared to a screen on, consumption will be minimal. Xiaomi still communicates this information even when you go to activate this mode to make sure everyone is aware of it. Also by default the animation stops if the smartphone is not used for a long time or if the power saver mode is activated.
So, in conclusion, if you are a happy owner of Xiaomi Mi 8, get ready for a nice update that will give a little life back to your device. With this we do not mean that without it is a junk, because from a purely hardware point of view it has very little to send to the new flagships of 2019.