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Xiaomi Mi 9 & Co .: the fingerprint sensor under the display adds new functions

They continue to increase the functionality that they want to enrich the user experience of Xiaomi Mi 9, TOP device of RANGE (because of this we are talking about) proposed at an ultra competitive price. You will have noticed already from the first lines a vein of controversy and I refer to those pseudo reviewers that only because they have in hand the latest model of mirrorless Sony think they are tech gurus, much to criticize the Xiaomi device or better software that accompanies the device, the MIUI 10.

Xiaomi Mi 9 & Co .: the fingerprint sensor under the display adds new functions

Well you will understand that probably the guy in question does not understand anything at all, but apart from that today I will talk about a new feature which has been introduced at the firmware level on the Chinese flagship and which does not have the triple camera as a protagonist but the lfingerprint reader integrated in the display.

my 9

Until now we have been used to exploiting the fingerprint reader for the fast and safe unlocking of our smartphone and in some cases has been associated with payment functionality through the banking services app. Xiaomi Mi 9 does not seem to disappoint the expectations but seem to lack those features that we were used to with the previous generation, like taking pictures or dragging down the notification curtain. And here comes into play the ingenuity of the MIUI development team that seems to have given birth to new features for the fingerprint reader under the display, both of Xiaomi Mi 9 and of Mi 9 SE, Mi 8 Pro and M 8 Explorer.

my 9

With the latest Chinese version of MIUI 10, the possibility of take advantage of the pressure sensitivity linked to the fingerprint sensor below the display. In fact now it will be possible to display a contextual menu, which offers us some shortcuts for Quickly access voice assistants, applications and mobile payment systems. We do not currently have more information about the operation of this new feature, but who knows that our good Alex Cimino does not enlighten us about it, considering that in his hands has the Chinese version of Xiaomi Mi 9.

Emanuele Iafulla
Emanuele Iafulla

Nerd, Geek, Netizen, terms that do not belong to me. Simply myself, technology lover and provocative as Xiaomi does with his products. High quality at fair prices, a real provocation for the other most famous brands.


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