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Xiaomi Mi 9 receives support for Google ARCore

One of the hot topics in the smartphone industry is augmented reality and AI-based technology which is increasingly integrated into modern devices. One of the most sought-after applications in this panorama is that proposed by Google, that is ARCore which on balance turns out to be a platform for augmented reality applications for Android. Currently we have arrived at version 1.3 which is now available for download on the Play Store and that within its own code it integrates some news, not visible, but of sure interest for the Xiaomi brand fans.


In fact ARCore from today also integrates the support for the new Xiaomi Mi 9, while other models such as Mi 8, Mi 8 Explorer Edition, Mi Mix 3 and Mi Mix 2S were already supported and officially included in the device list by Google. If you don't know what the ARCore app refers to, you will find a short video demonstration below.

Judging the promo video, the scope of application that Google ARCore offers is very broad, in which the only limit is dictated by imagination. Plus the Big G app does not seem to need specialized hardware, although judging from the list of officially supported devices, there are many top of the range to be present.

Xiaomi Mi 9 receives support for Google ARCore

At any rate it is pleasing that Xiaomi devices are increasingly entering the world of smartphone recognized worldwide, but you're wondering if your smartphone can support augmented reality too. Well the only way to find out, since Google has not yet updated the list of supported devices, is to download the app ARCore or accompanying even Just a Line of which I am attaching the promo video below and related boxes that will redirect you directly on the download page from the Play Store of the two applications.

ARCore by Google

Google Developer LLC / Price: Free

Just a Line - Draw Anywhere, with AR

Google Creative Lab Developer / Price: Free

Emanuele Iafulla
Emanuele Iafulla

Nerd, Geek, Netizen, terms that do not belong to me. Simply myself, technology lover and provocative as Xiaomi does with his products. High quality at fair prices, a real provocation for the other most famous brands.


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