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Xiaomi Mi MIX ALPHA and Xiaomi Watch COLOR, are the super novelties of the Chinese brand

These days we are witnessing a real wave of rumors concerning the Xiaomi company, including those related to the future Mi Mix 4 flagship, or rather Mi Mix ALPHA. In fact, apparently this will be the name of the future smartphone that could astonish at the level of technical and design data. Just yesterday we showed you an alleged photo that portrays the device in all its glory but returning to the name, Lei Jun's company registered the Mi Mix ALHA brand at the end of August, giving life to a new series that in future will continue to use the letters of the Greek alphabet.

we mix 4

But the news does not stop there, because the Chinese company has also registered a new brand, namely the Xiaomi Watch COLOR, which as the name suggests should refer to the first wearable of the brand developed in total independence, probably without the support of AmazFit.

Xiaomi Mi MIX ALPHA and Xiaomi Watch COLOR, are the super novelties of the Chinese brand

The presentation of Xiaomi Mi Mix ALPHA is scheduled for the 24 September and the event promises to be particularly rich in content, as the Mi 9 Pro 5G, the new MIUI 11 and precisely also Xiaomi Watch COLOR should also be seen. Among the features of the new ALPHA Mi Mix we find an 2K display with 90 Hz refresh rate as well as an 108 Megapixel camera.

I mix alpha

About the new Xiaomi Watch COLOR at the moment we do not have much information about it but the most accredited rumors include a model similar to the recent AmazFit GTS but with an operating system derived from Android Wear customized on some functions by Xiaomi itself. NFC module, GPS and 4G LTE connectivity provided. In short, a device that could give a hard time to the very recent fifth-generation Apple Watch that apparently seems to have revolutionized itself just for the introduction of the AOD.

ALSO READ: Xiaomi Mi Mix 4: first live photo shows a really WOW design

Emanuele Iafulla
Emanuele Iafulla

Nerd, Geek, Netizen, terms that do not belong to me. Simply myself, technology lover and provocative as Xiaomi does with his products. High quality at fair prices, a real provocation for the other most famous brands.


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