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Xiaomi Mi Smart Scale 2 and Mi Body Composition 2 get Bluetooth certification

One of the most popular and appreciated products before the advent of Xiaomi in Italy was the smart scale able to interface with our smartphone and keep track of all the data related to our weight. In reality there are two scales proposed by Xiaomi, both with minimal design but with similar functionality between them. Well the list of products dedicated to the health of Mi Fans is about to expand further as it seems that Xiaomi is about to launch the sequel of the two scales on the market, namely the Mi Smart Scale 2 and the Mi Body Composition 2, as certification has appeared online Bluetooth of the two products in question.

The previous generations date back to 2015 and it therefore seems that the time has come to make room for the new "diet assistants", even if we are unable to think of which additional features the company can add. Unlike past models, the new Xiaomi Mi Smart Scale 2 and Mi Body Composition 2 could also officially reach the Italian market, through the Mi Stores, which are increasingly arriving in a capillary manner throughout the territory.

Xiaomi Mi Smart Scale 2 and Mi Body Composition 2 get Bluetooth certification

Behind the realization of the two new smart scales Huami seems to be hidden, better known for its AmazFit branded wearables but also for the realization of the most sold fitness tracker in the world, namely the Mi Band series. There is still nothing official, but given the recent Bluetooth certification it may not be long before the launch of these two new products, which could be served as an "appetizer" for the launch of the next Redmi Y3, in India.

Mi Smart Scale 2 and Mi Body Composition 2 are identified respectively by the initials XMTZC04HM and XMTZC05HM. The difference between the two models will be precisely in the Bluetooth, type 4.2 on the first and type 5.0 on the second compared to 4.0 and 4.2 of past generations. Well when they come out, it will be an incentive to try them and go on a diet !!!

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Emanuele Iafulla
Emanuele Iafulla

Nerd, Geek, Netizen, terms that do not belong to me. Simply myself, technology lover and provocative as Xiaomi does with his products. High quality at fair prices, a real provocation for the other most famous brands.


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