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Xiaomi Mi 5 and a Bend-Test .. Detail!

Unfortunately we are used to news of smartphones that fail to pass the bend-test, so much so that it has become a trend among the most "reckless" reviewers, but sometimes curious cases also come to the fore in which smartphones manage to save life of the owner, as in the case of a Nokia Lumia 520 or a Samsung Galaxy Mega that is said to have stopped bullets. This is not exactly what would have bent a Xiaomi Mi 5 according to the images released on the net in these hours, but it would even be the result of a clash between the owner, a police officer, and an attacker armed with a knife.

To reveal what happened to famous analyst Kevin Wang Weibo, who posted images of the Xiaomi Mi 5 with a conspicuous fold in the middle. According to Wang, the policeman who would have been saved by Xiaomi is his brother.

It is speculated that the sharp bending in the center of the Xiaomi Mi 5 was caused by the policeman when he used the smartphone to block the attack with the knife and that it would be almost impossible for the device to bend in this way.

As we can see from the images below, the Xiaomi display has no breaks and the Mi 5 seems to work perfectly. We can also note that the folding occurred between the junction of the battery and the motherboard, a very delicate point, so there is instead the possibility that some of these vital components may have been damaged.

I also recall that the Xiaomi Mi 5c's release seems to be imminent, as evidenced by its listing by a well-known online vendor: it was the first rumor that the 6 December would come out, a voice that turned out to be unfounded, but after this last news, rumors of a likely exit by the end of the year have become more persistent. To find out what are probably all of its features, I'm referring to this our article.


Elena Pitini
Elena Pitini

Passionate about technology, economics and books, I love animals and outdoor life. In 2014, the stove of smartphone brands that were in stores, I started studying "Cynophonics" and all that is about the Chinese electronics world. Xiaomi was first a discovery and then a love. Write me: [email protected]


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