While we are all waiting for the next iteration of the Xiaomi home operating system, namely the MIUI 11, the team of developers instead seems intent on adding as many features as possible to the ROMs already in circulation. In fact, today comes a rumor from China that would indicate the existence of a new feature called "earthquake warning" which, as the name suggests, would serve to warn us of possible earthquakes.
From the images that we have managed to obtain it would seem that in the event of an earthquake a red pop-up window is opened to alert the user. Then adding if in your area you will have some noticeable shocks, the exact position of the epicenter and the magnitude. Moreover, at the end of the countdown inside the window, the number to be called in case of emergency will be automatically entered, so that it can be done immediately.
MIUI: A new earthquake alert feature coming?
The alert system created by Xiaomi would use the principle of early warning EEW (Earthquake Early Warning). This system uses the different speed of propagation of the different types of seismic waves to be able to warn the population of the arrival of the great shock with a small advance. The two types of seismic waves are those of type P and those of type S, the former are of smaller amplitude, are faster and reach a speed approximately double compared to the more ruinous S waves and to subsequent surface waves. In fact, an effective EEW system records the first P waves of an earthquake through a dense seismic monitoring network as soon as the waves reach the surface. The data is then transmitted immediately to a processing center, where information from the various stations is combined to predict ground shocks (Seismo).
Several theoretical studies have shown that if the warning time is 3 seconds, the victim ratio can be reduced by 14%. If it is 10 seconds, the victim ratio is reduced by 39%, while if the warning time is 20 seconds, the victim ratio can be reduced by 63%.

EEW principle by http://www.seismo.ethz.ch
In any case, predicting earthquakes is more difficult than it seems, so even if Xiaomi was working on this new feature in MIUI, it doesn't necessarily mean that she can really bring it to the different smartphone. This especially if we think that a delay of a few seconds could make a huge difference. Therefore, we cannot but admire the ambitions of Xiaomi and hope that they will be able to bring this functionality both in China and in the rest of the world.
What do you think about it? Does this sound useful to you or should you focus on something else? Let us know in the comments section below!
It seems very interesting and useful
the only way to predict earthquakes is to have an enabled magic sphere