Summer is coming, albeit very slowly, and we are all getting ready for the first trips out of town, to the first picnics, to the mornings by the sea and ... to the arrival of the first mosquitoes. Xiaomi comes to meet us and throws the "mosquito net racket". Although the "racquets" are already a very common product, this time too we have to praise Xiaomi because it maintains a really interesting price while not disappointing in terms of design and functionality.
Made with 14 UV lamps from 400 nm wavelength, this racket plays a dual role that we can define as active and passive: separating it from the charging base, it can be used as one of the most classic anti-mosquito rackets also thanks to the 2000 mAh battery which - according to Xiaomi data - will guarantee an autonomy of 30 days, with use of 20 shots per day.
But the "active" side is certainly the most interesting one. Leaving it on the charging base, the racket will turn into one UV lamp which will do the "dirty work" by itself: it will attract insects by exploiting their photosensitivity and convey them to high-voltage UV lamps.
As it is easy to suppose, the Xiaomi racquet was designed to avoid electric shocks. In fact the two halves of the racket play the role of electric poles, while the central part (the one with the UV lamps) is the active section that acts on the human body as a current low safety voltage. In this way, even in the unfortunate event that a finger should end up inside the wire mesh, we will not run into any problems ... but the same will not be able to say about mosquitoes!
The price of theElectric Mosquito Swatter is only 10 € (79 yuan at launch) and, given the possibility of using it both as a lamp and as a racket, I would say that it is really an aggressive price. Let the mosquito hunt begin!