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Xiaomi releases kernel sources for Mi3, Mi4 and Mi Notes

As you know, on the occasion of its fifth year of activity, Xiaomi has presented several products, including the I TV 2 from 55 inches and the new Redmi 2A. The enthusiasm that was created around this launch event, however, has made unnoticed a welcome announcement that Xiaomi has surged on its social channels.

Just yesterday, in fact, the Chinese company announced the release of kernel source codes of the Mi3, from the Mi4 and Mi Note, already available for download through the portal GitHub. So good news for those who want to try ROMs other than MIUI on their own My Phone, as kernel sources will allow developers to try to compile new ROMs for the aforementioned devices, without incurring incompatibility problems or bugs of various kinds. An encouraging signal from Xiaomi, who once again turned out to be very attentive to supporting its products.



Here the link on the page GitHub from which you can download the kernels. Is there any developer among you? Have you already started creating new ROMs?



via | Sm @ rty

Simone Rodriguez
Simone Rodriguez

Blogger, but above all passionate about technology. I am part of a generation that has passed from the cathode ray tube to smartphones, making me witness to an unprecedented technological evolution. From 2012 I assiduously follow the Xiaomi brand that with the conveyance of various projects led me to realize, the home of all the Italian Xiaomisti. Write me: [email protected]


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