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Xiaomi Zdeer Smart Moxibustion Box 2 now in crowdfunding

In recent years we have seen hundreds, if not thousands, of gadgets produced by the Chinese giant Xiaomi, many of which are decidedly innovative and others a bit more enigmatic, at least for those who are not Asian. The one presented today on the crowdfunding platform of Xiaomi Youpin is part of the latter category.

The device is called Xiaomi Zdeer Smart Moxibustion Box 2 and, as the name suggests, it is an accessory that uses the practice of moxibustion to treat some symptoms.

Xiaomi Zdeer Smart Moxibustion Box 2 now in crowdfunding

Xiaomi Zdeer Smart Moxibustion Box 2

Now you ask, what is moxibustion? Well, moxibustion is a typical therapeutic practice of Chinese medicine and is part of the external techniques. It is applied in combination with massage, acupuncture or as a single technique (Wikipedia). We would like to specify that the practice is still without scientific basis and although there may be benefits in the treatment of some symptoms, most of the studies are inconclusive.

Returning to the apparatus itself, it has a cylindrical shape with a diameter of 12 centimeters and a height of 4.9 centimeters. The materials used include PC plastic and ABS treated in such a way that they are not flammable. We then have a curvature at the bottom and a silicone edge to prevent it from falling. While in the upper part we find an LED screen with a button only for a very simple use, there is also a white light to create a more special atmosphere.

Xiaomi Zdeer Smart Moxibustion Box 2

The Xiaomi Zdeer Smart Moxibustion Box 2 comes with a rechargeable lithium ion battery and a USB Type-C port for fast recharging. The device can be used wirelessly and brought with you to work to use during a break or while traveling.

Since moxibustion occurs through the calorification of the skin and underlying and internal structures, the device uses a chip produced by STMicroelectronics MCU for temperature control. Thanks to the chip it is also possible to set four different moxibustion modes, so that you can take advantage of different treatments.

Xiaomi Zdeer Smart Moxibustion Box 2

The temperature inside the Moxibustion Box 2 constantly increases from the lowest to the highest through the use of a sensor monitored in real time. While a cooling system takes care of lowering the temperature during the treatment in case of need.

Finally, you can connect the Zdeer Smart Moxibustion Box 2 to the Mijia application to be able to control the device directly from your smartphone. We will then have an account of all the treatments received over time.

Xiaomi Zdeer Smart Moxibustion Box 2

The Xiaomi Zdeer Smart Moxibustion Box 2 is now in a crowdfunding campaign for the price of 289 Yuan, or just 37 euro.

Pierpaolo Figuccia
Pierpaolo Figuccia

Nerd, passionate about technology, photography and video maker. And of course I love Xiaomi products!


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