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Amazon accelerates deliveries without burdening human workload

Amazon introduced a significant upgrade in its robotic system called 'Sequoia' in a Houston warehouse, aiming to speed up delivery. This move is part of the company's ongoing expansion into fulfillment center automation, with the goal of improving efficiency and safety. However, this it will not replace man's work (not now, not later).

Amazon improves delivery efficiency and speeds up everything

Amazon's Sequoia system introduces a number of Robotic innovations in order sorting centers, including upgraded sorting machines, robotic arms and Roomba-like mobile robots. With these implementations, Amazon aims to improve order fulfillment speed by 25%, representing a significant step forward for the company in delivering on its promise of fast delivery to its customers.

Il Wall Street Journal reported that this system launched this week at a plant in Houston, signaling the start of a new era of robotic operations for Amazon.

amazon logo with soft light

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Human labor will not be replaced

Contrary to what one might fear, Amazon's goal is not to replace human workers with robots, but to create a synergistic working environment. David GuerinAmazon's director of robotic storage technology emphasized that the new robots are designed to work alongside humans, not to replace them. He expects a significant portion of the company's operations will integrate these technologies over the next three to five years, making fulfillment centers more efficient and secure.

One of the key innovations introduced by Amazon is one new sorting and boxing machine which moves containers from high heights to waist level, thus reducing the risk of workers being injured while reaching for heavy objects. Also, the robot arm Sparrow of Amazon is capable of identify the products inside the crates and remove them, further facilitating the work of employees.

Amazon is no stranger to exploring the potential of automation. Over the last year, the company has discussed the development of its warehouse robots, introducing new autonomous robots such as Proteus ed Hercules. These robots, which move autonomously like robotic vacuum cleaners, are capable of lift and move shelves, distribute containers and deliver products within the building, reducing the need for human intervention for these repetitive and strenuous tasks.


Gianluca Cobucci
Gianluca Cobucci

Passionate about code, languages ​​and languages, man-machine interfaces. All that is technological evolution is of interest to me. I try to divulge my passion with the utmost clarity, relying on reliable sources and not "on the first pass".


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