As we have seen this year, the presence of Xiaomi nell'eurozone it is slowly getting stronger and with its price / quality ratio it tries to defeat all the competitors: for those positioned in Eastern Europe now is the time to get to grips with it, since Xiaomi opened its first Mi Store in Croatia, precisely in the capital zagabria.
Xiaomi opens the first Croatian Mi Store in Zagreb
In contrast with other companies producing smartphones and more, Xiaomi it is first positioned at fourth place in Europe as a mobile device vendor and recently al first place regarding the sales of wearables. We all know the motivations: value for money excellent which means aggressiveness in the market e closeness to his dear fans that support the initiatives.
This support is seen not only online but also in the Mi Store at their inauguration: as noted by the photographs, in Italy and abroad, at the opening of the Mi Stores the fans pour into the shopping centers to look closely at the products which until recently were available only on Chinese stores or on some online retailers site. Also in Croatia the joy of the followers of the Chinese giant showed up with a large participation in the event. Below we post some photos that immortalizes the event.
- Credits to news.cn
The event itself we all know that it is not so important, but if seen from outside it is another small step of Xiaomi to affirm its position in Europe, after all delays and problems of the case that we have already described to you. In conclusion, a small step for Xiaomi, a big step for my fans that from today can also buy the products in Croatia: from the photos we understand that among these there are the last spartphones like the Notes redmi 6 Pro and various accessories such as headphones or chargers.
Where would you like the next Mi Store in Italy? Tell us in the comments!