Guys a service communication! You've certainly heard about the upcoming Chinese festivities, festivities that could lead to some discomfort for anyone who plans to buy a smartphone from China. Let's make the point of the situation better!
Feast of the People's Republic of China: stop shipping from 1 to 7 October!
Yeah, guys, the Republic Day it is not a recurrence that we only have in Italy. In China, in addition to New Year's Eve, this is one of the most popular holidays and therefore many of the work activities will be suspended to enjoy these holiday days.
Unfortunately our vendor has told us that, in keeping with these holidays, too its warehouses will be closed during the period from October to October 1. Normal shipping activities will resume the following day, 8 October 2015.
As happened in the past years, in the period immediately preceding and immediately after these holidays, there may be some logistical disadvantages that could be due to some slowdowns in shipments.
To avoid seeing your shipping stall blocked for a week, our vendor guarantees the correct execution of orders received only within 23: 59 on Sunday 27 September. All orders received at a later date may be subject to some delays.
If you are interested in purchasing a smartphone from China in the short term, Smartylife.net staff are therefore advised to comply with this deadline.
We apologize in advance for any inconvenience, but we tell you immediately that after this forced stop there will be some surprises for you! Stay tuned!
Article Feast of the Republic of China: Shipment Stop! seems to be the first of Smartylife.net.
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