You will surely realize the design of the present Nexus 6P represents a real break with the past.
While in previous devices Nexus we had plastic materials and almost standard profiles in the new Nexus 6P we find valuable materials such as anodised aluminum and lines that we have never seen on other smartphones. But ... are we sure we've never seen them before?
Huawei Nexus 6P the clone of ZTE Athena?
To instill this doubt is the marketing director of ZTE , Lu Qian Hao, that on the platform Weibo he vehemently accused Huawei to have "inspired" his ZTE Athena, in the realization of the new Nexus 6P.
Yesterday the staff of Google explained that the "curve" at the top of the back was a engineering challenge to allocate one of the largest photographic sensors in a mobile device. In addition, they concluded that the "hump" is a choice made to make the device ergonomic and at the same time give it a truly unique appearance.
Comparing the two side by side, you certainly notice a similarity between the ZTE Athena and the Nexus 6P. According to you Huawei Nexus 6P It really draws inspiration from the targeted device ZTE?
We do not know if Huawei has deliberately copied the design of the ZTE Athena, but after all, imitation is not the best form of flattery?
Article Huawei Nexus 6P is the copy of the ZTE Athena? seems to be the first of Smartylife.net.
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