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Meizu plans an event for the 30 June: who wants to present the Meizu MX5?

This morning on the official facebook profile of Meizu a particular teaser image has been published. Let's find out together what it is!11535917_1621673361407616_2191161841371747523_n

As you can also see from the image in question, this teaser announces a presentation event that will be held on 30 June at China National Convention Center of Beijing. The most careful of you will have certainly noticed that the military helmet with the inscription "Born to Kill"Is a clear reference to Stanley Kubrick's cult movie"Full Metal Jacket".

You will say, "So then?" Boys do not know you, but in this picture I find the confirmation that the 30 June we can finally admire the Meizu MX5, a flagship born to Kill" the competition devices. Also, if we also consider the title of the film this teaser is tribute to, here comes the next home killer flagship Meizu it will have a body entirely made of metal, full metal for the record.

The launch event is almost here…let's see if our guesses are correct!

via | Sm @ rty

Simone Rodriguez
Simone Rodriguez

Blogger, but above all passionate about technology. I am part of a generation that has passed from the cathode ray tube to smartphones, making me witness to an unprecedented technological evolution. From 2012 I assiduously follow the Xiaomi brand that with the conveyance of various projects led me to realize, the home of all the Italian Xiaomisti. Write me: [email protected]


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