In just under three days, Xiaomi will finally present her Mi4c, smartphone that, seen the rumors about its technical specifications and its launch price, should really promise. Today we come back to talk about this jewel, and for the precision of some features that no device Xiaomi he has ever owned before. Which? Continue reading and you will discover them!
The Mi4c will be the first Xiaomi smartphone with the "Double tap to wake" and "High-speed rail mode"!
As you anticipate in the introduction, in this article we will discuss some of the new features on Xiaomi devices that we will find on board the next device of the Chinese company, Xiaomi MI4c.
One of these is the so-called "Double tap to wake"Or that particular feature that lets you turn on the display of our smartphone by simply double-taping the screen off or, in an equivalent way, sending the device to standby when it is with the active display. This is a really handy feature, especially for those who have generously sized devices, but it's certainly not the first time we see it on board a smartphone. According to what he said Lei Jun, the founder of Xiaomi, her company has deliberately omitted this feature on her devices so far not because it was difficult to implement, but because she was guilty of excessive battery consumption; since now we will find it on board Xiaomi Mi4c, have they possibly found a way to reduce their consumption? We'll see!
The other feature we want to talk to you about is the "High-speed rail mode", A feature that, if I get it wrong, we have never seen on board other smartphones. This particular feature is designed for those who travel frequently on high speed trains, which unfortunately can cause magnetic field distortions and, therefore, unexpected reductions or loss of signal from our smartphones. The "High-speed rail mode"It is intended to overcome these disadvantages by automatically modulating the antenna's power of our device, thus reducing the signal distortion introduced by high-speed. I do not know if this feature will be useful to many, but we still have to give it a try Xiaomi to have introduced this interesting feature.
What do you think about this Mi4c and its features? Let us know in the comments!
Article Mi4c: will ever have functions ever seen on a Xiaomi! seems to be the first of Smartylife.net.
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