Despite the Two OnePlus he is in the very early stages of his life, he has already suffered a bit of turbulence. The device was one of the most vocal of the year and, as such, the wait for the Two OnePlus was "heavy". Almost immediately after the device was released officially (though through the invitations system), OnePlus has slowed the distribution of invitations. One of the reasons is that there seems to be a poor quality of cables USB Type-C, which are supplied in the box with the Two OnePlus. Then, more recently, problems with button stability have been found Home.
Two OnePlus
Now, in the last few days, a debate has been created, questioning whether the Two OnePlus has optical image stabilizer (OIS) or not. THE'OIS is a feature of Two OnePlus which has been designed to guarantee the device at full capture when captured. However, the reason for the debate is that many users believe that the 'OIS does not seem to be initialized on Two OnePlus.
The debate started when a forum member OnePlus he noted that the use of OIS it is detailed in the system. Although, the actual functionality seems to be currently missing. You can view the current status of contradictory information in the images below, which were taken by the forum member OnePlus who noticed the problem. This issue could be resolved through an upgrade. While, the alternative is that it has not been included as expected. In both cases, at present, there is little information that clearly explains if the OIS is included, works or will be activated in due time. The Two OnePlus, long ago, has drawn confusion over the omission of the chip NFC. It seems that even the 'OIS probably is another aspect that many users will not appreciate in case of omission.
What do you think of this "choice"? The Two OnePlus can you still define a top of the range?
Article OnePlus Two: No doubt about the existence of the OIS seems to be the first of Smartylife.net.
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