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Released MIUI 6.12.1 China Developer, complete changelog

Hello MIUIers of Italy and welcome to the complete changelog for the new version of the branch China Developer which reaches the MIUI 6.12.1 numbering and that I remember it is published weekly every Thursday night.

The first release of December brings us closer to the upgrade of the Android N base, in fact the tests are almost over and the Mi5 will be the first model to receive it. Among the novelties this week is a great job to improve the recent "Game Booster" feature but there are also some additions. Let's see.

Gallery - Displaying "like faces" that will allow you to better manage photos that affect a single person.


Market - Sort by frequency of use
Before deleting an app, you can now verify its actual use compared to others


Note # 1 The update for the Mi 5 has been suspended for testing on Android N
Note # 2 The update for RedMi1 has been suspended due to stability issues.

MIUI 8 China Developer ROM 6.12.1 Full Changelog

[Lock Screen, Status Bar, Notification Bar]

Improved - New icon for USB charging and keyboard choice
Fixed - The first notification could not be removed with a swipe
Fixed - Problems with horizontal viewing with third-party themes


New - Added Mi Note 2 theme


New - New view "People That Resemble"


New - Share a playlist via WeChat
Improved - Fixes to graphics


Improved - Apps listed according to frequency of use


New - “Game speed booster” in settings
New - "Game speed booster" will recommend popular games at its first launch
Improved - Some games could not be speeded up
Improved - Icon animations
Fixed - FC Lockups in Game Speed ​​Booster
Fixed - The Game booster maintained energy savings even after the exit from the game
Fixed - The Game booster remained active even after the exit from the game


Simone Rodriguez
Simone Rodriguez

Blogger, but above all passionate about technology. I am part of a generation that has passed from the cathode ray tube to smartphones, making me witness to an unprecedented technological evolution. From 2012 I assiduously follow the Xiaomi brand that with the conveyance of various projects led me to realize, the home of all the Italian Xiaomisti. Write me: [email protected]


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